Hi! This is a Mystic Quest (also known as Final Fantasy Adventure) gameboy game editor version 0.95.14
Tutorial video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKPYtgKAiQw
Place the mystic quest gameboy rom in the same folder of this script. The md5sum of the english version should be 24cd3bdf490ef2e1aa6a8af380eccd78
To run this script you need the following python libraries: pypng, Pillow. You can install them with the following commands
pip install pypng pip install Pillow
To decode the rom run python3 mystic-editor.py -d
A folder named en (for english) will be created with all the maps, scripts, sprites, and audio files decoded from the rom. This files can be edited and re-encoded again into the rom.
To encode the rom run python3 mystic-editor.py -e
Optional Arguments: --rom [filePath] specifies the rom file to decode, example: python3 mystic-editor.py --rom stockRoms/en.gb -e
--addr [filePath] specifies the address-configuration file to encode, example: python3 mystic-editor.py --addr addr_en.js -e
-x (or --romexpand) encodes an expanded rom with more banks, example: python3 mystic-editor.py --rom stockRoms/en.gb --addr addr/addr_en_romexpand.js --romexpand -e
-m (or --mscripts) decodes/encodes the scripts into mscripts.txt instead of jscripts.js, example: python3 mystic-editor.py -dm
-t (or --tilesetsLevel2) decodes/encodes the tilesetsLevel2 folder, overwriting the big tilesets.png file, example: python3 mystic-editor.py -dt
-c (or --color) encodes a gameboy color rom (work in progress), example: python3 mystic-editor.py -ec
-f (or --fix-checksum) fixes the header and global checksums of the rom, example: python3 mystic-editor.py -ef
-i (or --ips) creates an .ips patch of the newRom.gb, example: python3 mystic-editor.py -ei
--ffl2 path/to/ffl2.gb (it decodes music from english version of FFL 2 rom with md5sum 2bb0df1b672253aaa5f9caf9aab78224)
Feel free to join our discord server https://discord.gg/mdTDMKh5FR
Github repository: https://github.com/arathron123/mystic-editor