This repository is used for my "Hands-On Angular 2" workshop.
The master branch contains a minimal setup to help you get started with Angular quickly without having to install all the dependencies manually (there are a lot of them).
Also included are some mockups that I created of a very simple mobile app with an overview and detail view, made using Ratchet. This way you can focus on trying Angular instead of designing all sorts of brilliant responsive grid systems :p.
All exercises are done in separate branches. The ones that provide useful solutions for future exercises are merged into the master branch.
npm i
bower i
gulp watch
Currently assuming that you run your own local server. Probably I'll add a gulp solution for it soon.
You can create your own exercise during the workshop. If you need inspiration, here are a few ideas:
- Build NgShow/NgHide (you can copy the code of the included Cloak directive to get started. basically you can rename the class and create a binding to toggle it.)
- Build a directive for Ratchet toggles
- Build NgEvents (NgClick, NgMouseenter, etc.)
- Build NgSwitch (NgIf implementation can help you get started)
- Build directives for Ratchet popovers
- Build directives and/or router integration for Ratchet modals
- Build NgModel Simple NgModel starting point
- Build an Http service with interceptor API Simple Http starting point
- Improve the current implementation of NgRepeat with incremental view updating
(Level names taken from Wolfenstein :-) )