This XBlock provides an easy way to embed a PDF.
- Download button available
- (Optional) Source document download button, for example to provide your PPT file
- By default, PDF Download Allowed is set on True. The default value can be changed in
pdfXBlock / pdf /
# Move to the folder where you want to download the XBlock
cd /edx/app/edxapp
# Download the XBlock
sudo -u edxapp git clone
# Install the XBlock
sudo -u edxapp /edx/bin/pip.edxapp install pdfXBlock/
# Upgrade the XBlock if it is already installed, using --upgrade
sudo -u edxapp /edx/bin/pip.edxapp install pdfXBlock/ --upgrade
# Remove the installation files
sudo rm -r pdfXBlock
sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl -c /edx/etc/supervisord.conf restart edxapp:
Go to Settings -> Advanced Settings
and set advanced_modules
to ["pdf"]
Select Advanced -> PDF
in your unit.
For information about working with translations, see the Internationalization Support section of the Open edX XBlock Tutorial.
Prepare your environment:
$ mkvirtualenv pdf-xblock
$ make requirements
Also ensure that the Transifex client has the proper authentication
in the ~/.transifexrc
Push new strings to Transifex:
$ make push_translations
To get the latest translations from Transifex:
$ make pull_translations
For testing purposes it's faster to avoid Transifex and work on dummy Esperanto translations:
$ make build_dummy_translations