This repository stores the code associated with the paper arXiv 2006.02554. A relevant talk on this research is available at AATRN seminars.
Python 3.6.9
tensorboard 1.15.0(GCC) or 2.5.0 (GCC2)
tensorflow 1.15.0(GCC) or 2.5.0 (GCC2)
tensorflow-estimator 1.15.1(GCC) or 2.5.0 (GCC2)
tensorflow-gpu 2.0.0(optional)
Hengrui Luo, Alice Patania, Jisu Kim, Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson
The authors would like to thank ICERM and the organizers of the "Applied Mathematical Modeling with Topological Techniques" workshop Henry Adams, Maria D'Orsogna, Jos'e Perea, Chad Topaz, Rachel Neville for the thought provoking talks and productive environment.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DMS-1439786 while the author was in residence at the Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics in Providence, RI, during the Applied Mathematical Modeling with Topological Techniques program.
The sonar dataset
- collection_3.txt
- collection_4.txt
- collection_5.txt
is from M. Robinson, "Multipath-dominant, pulsed doppler analysis of rotating blades," IET Radar Sonar and Navigation, Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2013, pp. 217-224.
The voting dataset
- us.congress.1990.votemetadata.csv
- us.congress.1990.votes.csv
- us.congress.1998.votemetadata.csv
- us.congress.1998.votes.csv
- us.congress.2006.votemetadata.csv
- us.congress.2006.votes.csv
is from M. Vejdemo-Johansson et. al. "The topology of politics: voting connectivity in the us house of representatives." In NIPS 2012 Workshop on Algebraic Topology and Machine Learning.