The video is present in the root of the GitHub Repository. Filename - InvoiceExtraction__demo.mp4
IMPORTANT : Before running the program, please run the following commands on the terminal:
$ sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr
$ sudo apt-get install -y poppler-utils
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
To run the program, change directory to the cli folder where the program is contained. The program can be run using the following command :
cd into the frontend folder and run the following commands:
$ npm install
$ npm run start
You can then visit http://localhost:3000/ to view the frontend
cd into the frontend folder and run the following commands:
$ npm install
$ npm run start:dev
The backend is now hosted on http://localhost:8000/
- To make the backend work you will need to enter you database credentials in backend/server/config/config.json
- For the chatbot to work you will need to enter your Twilio credentials in backend/server/controllers/chatbot.js
- You will also need to add the webhook url on Twilio to receive messages on the backend server