The project uses Next.js, which is a framework for server-rendered React apps.
It includes @mui/material
and its peer dependencies, including emotion
, the default style engine in MUI v5. If you prefer, you can use styled-components instead.
State management
- Redux-toolkit
- Prettier
- Eslint
Automated Formatting:
- husky
- lint-staged
- Create a test account in your metamask if you haven't already
- Add the mumbai test net to your metamask
- Network Name: Mumbai Testnet
- Chain Id: 80001
- Symbol: MATIC
- Block Explorer URL:
- Request test matic from the mumbai faucet at
- Create a test account in your metamask if you haven't already
- Request test ether from
- Copy the entire contents of the abi file in artifacts/contracts/ERC721.sol/NFT.json from daoprojects-contracts
- In the root directory here, create a file named nftABI.json and paste the abi inside of it
- Copy the contract address logged in your terminal from deploying the smart contract and set it inside the CONTRACT_ADDRESS variable inside of the MintNFTButton file.
- Make sure your metamask is on the Rinkeby testnet
- Click mint button
- Once deployed, set the address of the NFT contract returned in the terminal to the CONTRACT_ADDRESS variable in the MintNFTButton comp
- Once mint is successful, your NFT will appear in your account at within 5 - 10 minutes