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Releases: aphp/edsnlp


13 Dec 19:11
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  • now accept a work_unit="fragment" option to split tasks between workers by parquet fragment instead of row. When this is enabled, workers do not read every fragment while skipping 1 in n rows, but read all rows of 1/n fragments, which should be faster.
  • Accept no validation data in edsnlp.train script
  • Log the training config at the beginning of the trainings
  • Support a specific model output dir path for trainings (output_model_dir), and whether to save the model or not (save_model)
  • Specify whether to log the validation results or not (logger=False)
  • Added support for the CoNLL format with and with a specific eds.conll_dict2doc converter
  • Added a Trainable Biaffine Dependency Parser (eds.biaffine_dep_parser) component and metrics
  • New eds.extractive_qa component to perform extractive question answering using questions as prompts to tag entities instead of a list of predefined labels as in eds.ner_crf.


  • Fix join_thread missing attribute in SimpleQueue when cleaning a multiprocessing executor
  • Support huggingface transformers that do not set cls_token_id and sep_token_id (we now also look for these tokens in the special_tokens_map and vocab mappings)
  • Fix changing scorers dict size issue when evaluating during training
  • Seed random states (instead of using random.RandomState()) when shuffling in data readers : this is important for
    1. reproducibility
    2. in multiprocessing mode, ensure that the same data is shuffled in the same way in all workers
  • Bubble BaseComponent instantiation errors correctly
  • Improved support for multi-gpu gradient accumulation (only sync the gradients at the end of the accumulation), now controled by the optiona sub_batch_size argument of TrainingData.
  • Support again edsnlp without pytorch installed
  • We now test that edsnlp works without pytorch installed
  • Fix units and scales, ie 1l = 1dm3, 1ml = 1cm3

Pull Requests

Full Changelog: v0.14.0...v0.15.0


15 Nov 08:39
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  • Support for setuptools based projects in edsnlp.package command
  • Pipelines can now be instantiated directly from a config file (instead of having to cast a dict containing their arguments) by putting the @core = "pipeline" or "load" field in the pipeline section)
  • edsnlp.load now correctly takes disable, enable and exclude parameters into account
  • Pipeline now has a basic repr showing is base langage (mostly useful to know its tokenizer) and its pipes
  • New python -m edsnlp.evaluate script to evaluate a model on a dataset
  • Sentence detection can now be configured to change the minimum number of newlines to consider a newline-triggered sentence, and disable capitalization checking.
  • New eds.split pipe to split a document into multiple documents based on a splitting pattern (useful for training)
  • Allow converter argument of to be a list of converters instead of a single converter
  • New revamped and documented edsnlp.train script and API
  • Support YAML config files (supported only CFG/INI files before)
  • Most of EDS-NLP functions are now clickable in the documentation
  • ScheduledOptimizer now accepts schedules directly in place of parameters, and easy parameter selection:
            "^transformer": {
                # lr will go from 0 to 5e-5 then to 0 for params matching "transformer"
                "lr": {"@schedules": "linear", "warmup_rate": 0.1, "start_value": 0 "max_value": 5e-5,},
            "": {
                # lr will go from 3e-4 during 200 steps then to 0 for other params
                "lr": {"@schedules": "linear", "warmup_rate": 0.1, "start_value": 3e-4 "max_value": 3e-4,},


  • eds.span_context_getter's parameter context_sents is no longer optional and must be explicitly set to 0 to disable sentence context
  • In multi-GPU setups, streams that contain torch components are now stripped of their parameter tensors when sent to CPU Workers since these workers only perform preprocessing and postprocessing and should therefore not need the model parameters.
  • The batch_size argument of Pipeline is deprecated and is not used anymore. Use the batch_size argument of stream.map_pipeline instead.


  • Sort files before iterating over a standoff or json folder to ensure reproducibility
  • Sentence detection now correctly match capitalized letters + apostrophe
  • We now ensure that the workers pool is properly closed whatever happens (exception, garbage collection, data ending) in the multiprocessing backend. This prevents some executions from hanging indefinitely at the end of the processing.
  • Propagate torch sharing strategy to other workers in the multiprocessing backend. This is useful when the system is running out of file descriptors and ulimit -n is not an option. Torch sharing strategy can also be set via an environment variable TORCH_SHARING_STRATEGY (default is file_descriptor, consider using file_system if you encounter issues).

Data API changes

  • LazyCollection objects are now called Stream objects
  • By default, multiprocessing backend now preserves the order of the input data. To disable this and improve performance, use deterministic=False in the set_processing method
  • 🚀 Parallelized GPU inference throughput improvements !
    • For simple {pre-process → model → post-process} pipelines, GPU inference can be up to 30% faster in non-deterministic mode (results can be out of order) and up to 20% faster in deterministic mode (results are in order)
    • For multitask pipelines, GPU inference can be up to twice as fast (measured in a two-tasks BERT+NER+Qualif pipeline on T4 and A100 GPUs)
  • The .map_batches, .map_pipeline and .map_gpu methods now support a specific batch_size and batching function, instead of having a single batch size for all pipes
  • Readers now have a loop parameter to cycle over the data indefinitely (useful for training)
  • Readers now have a shuffle parameter to shuffle the data before iterating over it
  • In multiprocessing mode, file based readers now read the data in the workers (was an option before)
  • We now support two new special batch sizes
    • "fragment" in the case of parquet datasets: rows of a full parquet file fragment per batch
    • "dataset" which is mostly useful during training, for instance to shuffle the dataset at each epoch.
      These are also compatible in batched writer such as parquet, where each input fragment can be processed and mapped to a single matching output fragment.
  • 💥 Breaking change: a map function returning a list or a generator won't be automatically flattened anymore. Use flatten() to flatten the output if needed. This shouldn't change the behavior for most users since most writers (to_pandas, to_polars, to_parquet, ...) still flatten the output
  • 💥 Breaking change: the chunk_size and sort_chunks are now deprecated : to sort data before applying a transformation, use .map_batches(custom_sort_fn, batch_size=...)

Training API changes

  • We now provide a training script python -m edsnlp.train --config config.cfg that should fit many use cases. Check out the docs !
  • In particular, we do not require pytorch's Dataloader for training and can rely solely on EDS-NLP stream/data API, which is better suited for large streamable datasets and dynamic preprocessing (ie different result each time we apply a noised preprocessing op on a sample).
  • Each trainable component can now provide a stats field in its preprocess output to log info about the sample (number of words, tokens, spans, ...):
    • these stats are both used for batching (e.g., make batches of no more than "25000 tokens")
    • for logging
    • for computing correct loss means when accumulating gradients over multiple mini-mini-batches
    • for computing correct loss means in multi-GPU setups, since these stats are synchronized and accumulated across GPUs
  • Support multi GPU training via hugginface accelerate and EDS-NLP Stream API consideration of env['WOLRD_SIZE'] and env['LOCAL_RANK'] environment variables

Pull Requests

Full Changelog: v0.13.1...v0.14.0


10 Oct 20:35
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  • eds.tables accepts a minimum_table_size (default 2) argument to reduce pollution
  • RuleBasedQualifier now expose a process method that only returns qualified entities and token without actually tagging them, deferring this task to the __call__ method.
  • Added new patterns for metastasis detection developed on CT-Scan reports.
  • Added citation of articles


  • Disorder and Behavior pipes don't use a "PRESENT" or "ABSENT" status anymore. Instead, status=None by default,
    and ent._.negation is set to True instead of setting status to "ABSENT". To this end, the tobacco and alcohol
    now use the NegationQualifier internally.
  • Numbers are now only detected without trying to remove the pollution in between digits, ie 55 @ 77777 could be detected as a full number before, but not anymore.
  • Fix fsspec open file encoding to "utf-8".


  • Rename eds.measurements to eds.quantities
  • scikit-learn (used in eds.endlines) is no longer installed by default when installing edsnlp[ml]

Pull Requests

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.13.0...v0.13.1


22 Jul 16:26
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  • data.set_processing(...) now expose an autocast parameter to disable or tweak the automatic casting of the tensor
    during the processing. Autocasting should result in a slight speedup, but may lead to numerical instability.
  • Use torch.inference_mode to disable view tracking and version counter bumps during inference.
  • Added a new NER pipeline for suicide attempt detection
  • Added date cues (regular expression matches that contributed to a date being detected) under the extension ent._.date_cues
  • Added tables processing in eds.measurement
  • Added 'all' as possible input in eds.measurement measurements config
  • Added new units in eds.measurement


  • Default to mixed precision inference


  • edsnlp.load("your/huggingface-model", install_dependencies=True) now correctly resolves the python pip
    (especially on Colab) to auto-install the model dependencies
  • We now better handle empty documents in the eds.transformer, eds.text_cnn and eds.ner_crf components
  • Support mixed precision in eds.text_cnn and eds.ner_crf components
  • Support pre-quantization (<4.30) transformers versions
  • Verify that all batches are non empty
  • Fix span_context_getter for context_words = 0, context_sents > 2 and support assymetric contexts
  • Don't split sentences on rare unicode symbols
  • Better detect abbreviations, like E.coli, now split as [E., coli] and not [E, ., coli]

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.12.3...v0.13.0


17 Jun 09:49
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Fix model loading messages


16 Jun 23:37
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  • Pip-installable models are now built with hatch instead of poetry, which allows us to expose artifacts (weights)
    at the root of the sdist package (uploadable to HF) and move them inside the package upon installation to avoid conflicts.
  • Dependencies are no longer inferred with dill-magic (this didn't work well before anyway)
  • Option to perform substitutions in the model's file (e.g., for the model's name, metrics, ...)
  • Huggingface models are now installed with pip editable installations, which is faster since it doesn't copy around the weights

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.12.1...v0.12.2


05 Jun 12:36
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  • Added binary distribution for linux aarch64 (Streamlit's environment)
  • Added new separator option in eds.table and new input check


  • Make catalogue & entrypoints compatible with py37-py312
  • Check that a data has a doc before trying to use the document's note_datetime

Pull Requests

Full Changelog: v0.12.0...v0.12.1


21 May 23:27
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  • The eds.transformer component now accepts prompts (passed to its preprocess method, see breaking change below) to add before each window of text to embed.
  • / map_batches now support generator functions as arguments.
  • Window stride can now be disabled (i.e., stride = window) during training in the eds.transformer component by training_stride = False
  • Added a new eds.ner_overlap_scorer to evaluate matches between two lists of entities, counting true when the dice overlap is above a given threshold
  • edsnlp.load now accepts EDS-NLP models from the huggingface hub 🤗 !
  • New python -m edsnlp.package command to package a model for the huggingface hub or pypi-like registries


  • Trainable embedding components now all use foldedtensor to return embeddings, instead of returning a tensor of floats and a mask tensor.
  • 💥 TorchComponent __call__ no longer applies the end to end method, and instead calls the forward method directly, like all torch modules.
  • The trainable eds.span_qualifier component has been renamed to eds.span_classifier to reflect its general purpose (it doesn't only predict qualifiers, but any attribute of a span using its context or not).
  • omop converter now takes the note_datetime field into account by default when building a document
  • and now automatically take the note_datetime into account
  • nlp.vocab is no longer serialized when saving a model, as it may contain sensitive information and can be recomputed during inference anyway
  • 💥 Major breaking change in trainable components, moving towards a more "task-centric" design:
    • the eds.transformer component is no longer responsible for deciding which spans of text ("contexts") should be embedded. These contexts are now passed via the preprocess method, which now accepts more arguments than just the docs to process.
    • similarly the eds.span_pooler is now longer responsible for deciding which spans to pool, and instead pools all spans passed to it in the preprocess method.

Consequently, the eds.transformer and eds.span_pooler no longer accept their span_getter argument, and the eds.ner_crf, eds.span_classifier, eds.span_linker and eds.span_qualifier components now accept a context_getter argument instead, as well as a span_getter argument for the latter two. This refactoring can be summarized as follows:

- eds.transformer.span_getter
+ eds.ner_crf.context_getter
+ eds.span_classifier.context_getter
+ eds.span_linker.context_getter

- eds.span_pooler.span_getter
+ eds.span_qualifier.span_getter
+ eds.span_linker.span_getter

and as an example for the eds.span_linker component:

+       span_getter="ents",
+       # context_getter="ents",  -> by default, same as span_getter
-           span_getter="ents",
-               span_getter="ents",


  • now correctly read the files from the directory passed as an argument, and not from the parent directory.
  • Overwrite spacy's Doc, Span and Token pickling utils to allow recursively storing Doc, Span and Token objects in the extension values (in particular,
  • Removed pendulum dependency, solving various pickling, multiprocessing and missing attributes errors

Pull Requests

Full Changelog: v0.11.2...v0.12.0


10 Apr 14:55
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  • Fix edsnlp.utils.file_system.normalize_fs_path file system detection not working correctly
  • Improved performance of methods over a filesystem (fs parameter)

Pull Requests

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.11.1...v0.11.2


02 Apr 07:54
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  • Automatic estimation of cpu count when using multiprocessing
  • optim.initialize() method to create optim state before the first backward pass


  • nlp.post_init will not tee lazy collections anymore (use edsnlp.utils.collections.multi_tee yourself if needed)


  • Corrected inconsistencies in eds.span_linker

Pull Requests

Full Changelog: v0.11.0...v0.11.1