During this project I will learn:
What are pointers to pointers and how to use them What are multidimensional arrays and how to use them What are the most common C standard library functions to manipulate strings File Task 0-memset.c A function that fills memory with a constant byte 1-memcpy.c A function that copies memory area 2-strchr.c A function that locates a character in a string 3-strspn.c A function that gets the length of a prefix substring 4-strpbrk.c A function that searches a string for any of a set of bytes 5-strstr.c A function that locates a substring 7-print_chessboard.c A function that prints the chessboard 8-print_diagsums.c A function that prints the sum of the two diagonals of a square matrix of integers 9-set_string.c A function that sets the value of a pointer to a char