This application creates a website that shows a list of movie posters with their title, a trailer for each movie is available by clicking on the movie poster.
- media: Contains the class that will be used to create an instance for each movie in the website
- fresh tomatoes: Contains the html, css and javascript code to create the actual website
Python 2.7 must be installed in your computer. Download and Installation instructions for Python can be found at
After Python 2.7 is installed, visit my github repository [] and click the "Clone or Download" button to download a copy of the project files to your computer. Once downloaded, extract all the files. You can then open the file '' to create and visualize the movie trailer website in the default browser. Any modern browser will display the site correctly, however, it may not work properly in Internet Explorer.
The latest version available of this application can be found at
Eduardo A Mendivil