This repo contains homeworks and assignments completed as part of CSCI-561 Foundations of Artificial Intelligence at USC in Spring 2023.
Homework 1 was about search algorithms and path planning. 3 search algorithms were implemented as part of this homewrok -
- Breadth-first search (BFS)
- Unifrom-cost search (UCS)
- A* search
This was implemented in Java and passed 43/50 test cases.
The full problem statement can be found here.
Homework 2 was about designing a game playing agent using aplha-beta pruning. The game for this semester was Pente, which is similar o and is played on a board of size 19x19.
This was implemented in CPP and tested via 20 games. 10 games were played againt a random agent, and 10 games against a simple mini-max agent.
This code won 20/20 games.
The full problem statement can be found here.
In homework 3, we implemented first-order logic resolution. The program was to take multiple sentences in a KB as input, and the objective was to conclude if a query asked was entailed from the KB or not.
This was implemented in Python, and passed 47/50 testcases.
The full problem statement can be found here.