An iOS app that shows taxi drivers within a map.
- Xcode 10.12.1
- Swift 5
- Cocoapods version
- Clone this repository
- Run
pod install
- Run project 🎉
This app conforms to MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) patter to help us with unit tests and Coordinators which is responsible for the application's navigation flow.
All of dependencies and third libraries used in this project as well as its versions can be found in Podfile.
- SwiftLint to maintain a good code quality.
- SwiftGen to generate a type-safe reference for resources (Localizable.strings and Assets).
- RxSwift/RxCocoa to bind views and reactive code
- RxDataSources to bind viewModels on tableView
- Add continuous integration to run tests
- Improve UI/UX
- Add more tests and increase code coverage percentage
- Add UI tests
- Add support for more languages
- Add support for iPad
- Add A11n for accessibility
Special thanks for flaticon for the free assets.