-i Specifies input image
-o Specifies output image
-k Specifies the kernel to run
To run with default input image and output.jpg:
$ ./conv2d -k 2
or run with custom input/output images:
$ ./conv2d -i input.jpg -o output.jpg -k 2
-g Specifies output image to be in grayscale
By default, output is in color
$ make clean && make
$ ./conv2d -i input.jpg -o output.jpg -k 2
-c Specifies output image to be in color
By default, output is in grayscale
First run the script to compile the C++ and CUDA code.
$ ./script.sh
$ ./main -i input.jpg -o output.jpg -k 2 -c
0. Sharpen
1. Uniform
2. Weighted Median
3. Weighted Mean
4. Gaussian
5. Emboss
6. Edge Detect