- Learn Python The Hard Way by Zed Shaw (not actually hard)
- Really nice web scraping tutorial
- Web Scraping from "Automate the Boring Stuff"
- Intro to Unix by Allison Parrish
- goal: Produce poetic or critical outcomes by compiling, condensing, filtering and adding structure to information found online
- me!
- you!
- what is it?
- structure of a command line program
- program name, options, arguments
- moving around
- making folders
- looking in files
- searching in files
- input and output
- piping
- make our first list!
- the interactive interpreter
- arithmetic
- variables
- variable types
- strings
- indexing
- putting them together
- creating a simple program
- conditionals
- lists
- creating lists
- modifying lists
- looping through lists
- dictionaries
- functions
- using modules
- what is html
- tags
- nesting tags
- attributes
- classes and ids
- the web inspector
- what is it?
- what you can do
- limitations
- basic process
- download, parse, output
- BeautifulSoup
- Selenium
- downloading a list of text
- downloading images
- creating csv files or JSON
- paginating
- using apis