This is the main document for implementing the solutions for Inter-IIT IdeaForge PS.
This document includes:
- setting up the simulation environment on your local system
- implementing motor failure through custom PX4 based module
- generating the results for real time behaviour of drone on motor failure
- running the motor failure & motor detection modules based on PX4 architecture
- Demonstration of complete motor failure, motor detection and control architecture in simulation enviroment. The detection module will automatically trigger the control module.
- You system should have ubuntu-22.04 LTS Desktop installed (either dual booted with windows or completely ubuntu 22).
- In case you don't have ubuntu-22.04 dual boot, you can follow this tutorial dual boot ubuntu-22.04.
- Run these commands in your terminal
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
Follow this tutorial -> install ros2-humble.
Run this command to permanantly source your ros2 environment
echo "source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
cd ~
git clone --recursive
bash ./PX4-Autopilot/Tools/setup/
sudo reboot
- Please make sure that there is no error while cloning the PX4-Autopilot repository as otherwise it will cause issues in further steps.
pip install --user -U empy==3.3.4 pyros-genmsg setuptools
sudo apt install python3-colcon-common-extensions
sudo apt install ros-humble-desktop python3-argcomplete
sudo apt install ros-dev-tools
Installing XRCE-DDS Agent for accessing uORB topics from ROS2 topics.
cd ~
git clone
cd Micro-XRCE-DDS-Agent
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig /usr/local/lib/
Note: smf sub and requires DDS Agent running.
sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
sudo apt-get remove modemmanager -y
sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-libav gstreamer1.0-gl -y
sudo apt install libfuse2 -y
sudo apt install libxcb-xinerama0 libxkbcommon-x11-0 libxcb-cursor-dev -y
cd ~
- Now download the app-image file from here in your /home/username/ directory.
- Change the executable permissions for GCS & try to run it
cd ~
chmod +x ./QGroundControl.AppImage
Close the terminal (by interrupting with ctrl + c) to close the QGroundControl.
- Build & launch the gazebo simulation with SITL
cd ~/PX4-Autopilot
make px4_sitl gz_x500
- Run the XRCE-DDS Agent
cd ~/Micro-XRCE-DDS-Agent/build
MicroXRCEAgent udp4 -p 8888
- Launch QGroundControl (GCS)
cd ~ && ./QGroundControl.AppImage
- In the SITL terminal (the one from where you launched gazebo), run the following command to arm & takeoff the drone
commander takeoff
If everything works fine, you should get something like this
- Use the command commander land to land the drone.
Clone the repositry in Home directory
git clone interIIT_64 bkchdi bkchdi
File Structure:
├── Flight_Analysis # Contains all flight analysis data and scripts
│ ├── detection_logs # vehicle_odometry data for detection purpose
│ │ ├── csv # Odometry CSV files
│ │ │ └── odometry_data_0.csv
│ │ ├── plots # Odometry plots
│ │ │ └── odometry_plot_0.png
│ │ └── px4_logs # px4 detection logs
│ │ └── px4_logs_0.csv
| |
│ ├── flight_logs # Flight state logs from drone_state.h
│ │ └── flight_log_0.csv
| | # Flight log details
│ ├── scripts
│ │ ├── automation # Scripts for automated drone tasks
│ │ │ ├── # Script for demonstrating smf functionality
│ │ │ ├── # Script for automating drone hovering sessions
│ │ │ ├── # Script for automating drone takeoff sessions
│ │ │ └── # Script for automating drone maneuvers sessions
│ │ ├── # launched drone env (QGC + DDS Agent)
│ │ ├── # Script for running a MAVSDK mission
│ │ ├── # Script for subscribing to odometry data
│ │ └── # Script for automating data plotting
| |
│ ├── LQR_Optimizer.ipynb # Notebook to optimize LQR and tuning penalty and control matrices.
│ └── px4_data_plotter.ipynb # Notebook for plotting flight_logs data
└── px4_modules
├── gazebo_classic_fault_tolerant_control #Classic fault tolerant control module
├── iris_with_standoffs # IRIS quadcopter meshes
├── single_motor_failure # smf module
├── DroneState.msg # custom uORB message
├── model.sdf # iris sdf file for harmonic
To ensure consistent physical parameters for the drone in both Classic and Harmonic simulations, we decided to import the Iris quadcopter functionalities into the Harmonic environment as well.
Further we have also doubled thre motor constant parameter in the drone to increase the thrust range of all motors.
Follow the following setup instructions for the migration of iris.
Go to ~/PX4-Autopilot/Tools/simulation/gz/models/x500/ directory and replace the model.sdf file to the this file: model.sdf.
Further add meshes files in: ~/PX4-Autopilot/Tools/simulation/gz/models/ directory and paste the complete iris_with_standoffs folder there.
- In order to analyze data from controller we have added a custom uORB message. Follow the steps to add the custom uORB message in PX4 firmware.
- Paste the DroneState.msg into ~/PX4-Autopilot/msg/ directory.
- Locate the CMakeLists.txt in ~/PX4-Autopilot/msg/ and add the DroneState.msg
- Follow the following steps to upgrade the CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD to 17.
- Locate the ~/PX4-Autopilot/CMakeLists.txt/ file and change the CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD version
Make sure to match the above block in the CMakeLists.txt.
-Install filesystem for data collection from SMF Module.
pip install filesystem
- For simulating single motor failure, we have created a custom module based on PX4 firmware architecture named single_motor_failure.
- In this module we've integrated injection of single motor failure, detection of motor failure and controlling the drone after detection of motor failure.
- We have used the predefined px4 based UORB topics to send commands to the drone in the modules.
- You can follow creating custom px4 module doc to know more about how to create a custom px4 module and compile it.
In order to run the single_motor_failure module you first need to make sure that it is built as part of PX4 Firmware.
Applications are added to the build/firmware in the appropriate board-level px4board file for your target:
PX4-SITL (Simulator) : px4_sitl_default
- To use this module, copy the single_motor_failure directory to ~/PX4-Autopilot/src/examples/ directory. Further run boardconfig command and add smf module to PX4 sitl firmware and build afterwards.
cd ~/PX4-Autopilot/
make px4_sitl_default boardconfig
Go to examples, you will file a new module named single_motor_failure, select that & press enter. Now save this module by pressing Q & then select yes.
Now this module is ready to run as part of PX4 firmware in sitl. Run the following command to build the module in PX4 firmware.
cd ~/PX4-Autopilot/
make px4_sitl
For other boards, please select the specific board in the compiltion step.
cd ~/PX4-Autopilot
make px4_sitl gz_x500
- Run XRCE-DDS agent to convert px4 uorb topics to ros2 topics
cd ~/Micro-XRCE-DDS-Agent/build
MicroXRCEAgent udp4 -p 8888
- Launch QGroundControl (GCS)
cd ~ && ./QGroundControl.AppImage
- Takeoff your drone to default height (2.5m) by typing this command in your px4 sitl terminal
commander takeoff
Note: Use param set MIS_TAKEOFF_ALT <$Height> to change the default height of takeoff.
- Run the detection file of the module to initiate Detector Deamon which will be keep checking for motor failure (if there is any).
smf detect
- This will store a csv log file in inter-iit_Team62/detection_tests/detection_logs/px4_logs as px4_logs_0.csv.
- Run the following command in new terminal to start collecting odometry data from vehicle_odometry ROS@ topic and will store odometry_data_0.csv in inter-iit_Team62/detection_tests/detection_logs/csv
python3 inter-iit_Team62/detection_tests/scripts/
- Initiate subscribing deamon using smf sub in SITL shell to start subscribing state data from drone_state.h uORB topic and log them in inter-iit_Team62/detection_tests/detection_logs/state_logs
smf sub
Before running this command, make sure everything in step 2 is already working.
- run this command in px4 sitl terminal to fail a motor in gazebo simulation
smf start
This will initiate the Injector Deamon and will inject motor failure.
- After injecting motor failure, Detector Deamon should detect the failure and trigger a detection flag which will eventually activates Failure Controller.
- It will publish state logs to drone_state, which will be subscribed by subscriber deamon (if initiated).
- This requires px4_logs_0.csv and odometry_data_0.csv to plot data for a flight.
python3 inter-iit_Team62/detection_tests/scripts/
- This will store plots for all the odometry_data and px4_logs pairs in inter-iit_Team62/detection_tests/detection_logs/plots
- It will also store a result.csv in inter-iit_Team62/detection_tests/detection_logs, which will contain the performance metrics of tests for the available number of data sessions.
- Refer to px4_data_plotter.ipynb. Update the path of flight_log in the first cell and run the remaining cells to plot the state data.
- Install tmux, which is required for automated bash scripts.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install tmux
- Launch drone enviroment i.e. (DDS Agent and QGroundControl)
python3 inter-iit_Team62/Flight_Analysis/scripts/
- Run the in a terminal using following command
bash inter-iit_Team62/detection_tests/scripts/automation/
- This bash file uses tmux to run different sessions of gazebo & px4 sitl.
- This will launch a complete session for demonstration of motor_failure and will save the required logs in respective directories. Refer to 6 for plotting collected data.