- Ubuntu / Debian ... Should work on windows and osx.. (not tested yet)
- Vagrant
- Virtual-box
- Windows (VM)
- DSSnet combines a power grid simulator (OpenDSS) with a SDN emulator (mininet). The software is designed to get high fidelity results of smart grid networks that require both communication and power.
- Version 3.0
- get this repository
- navigate to /net/LINUX-VM/
- run vagrant up
- may take a while to download image
- Seriously it may take quite a while
- If the message
default: SSH address:
default: SSH username: vagrant
default: SSH auth method: private key
default: Warning: Connection timeout. Retrying...
default: Warning: Authentication failure. Retrying...
default: Warning: Authentication failure. Retrying...
default: Warning: Authentication failure. Retrying...
default: Warning: Authentication failure. Retrying...
- this is some problem because of the re-packaging from an existing box just WAIT and ignore until it times out
- run vagrant ssh to log in. If it prompts for password use
- see vagrant docs for more info on vagrant (other useful commands vagrant destroy and vagrant halt)
- IMPORTANT: If the box does not load after timing out run
vagrant destroy
thenvagrant up
and let it time out with the above error message.
- Get windows VM (win 7 onwards)
- Get python + numpy, win32com, (andaconda is easy for this stuff) [ tutorial to come ]
- text editor
- IMPORTANT: create the following directory, C:\DSS and put the repository here
- IMPORTANT: the full path to the power coordinator should be C:\DSS\DSSnet\dss\powerCoord2.py
- open port on windows, default 50021
- make sure to test that the linux vm can communicate with the windows vm (try telnet)
- on windows navigate to dss folder in repository
- run
python powerCoord.py --trace 1 -et 1
- What this is doing is sending in a trace file of events like the network coordinator would do to make sure that everything is good on the windows side.
- Note the IED files and the load/generation files should be in this directory along side the powerCoord.py ( I will try to make this easier soon )
- the configuration file defaults to the test case in the folder test
- the trace file defaults to the test folder synch.trace
- the export monitors are in the folder that the circuit configuration file is in
- type
python powerCoord.py -h
to see all the options
usage: powerCoord.py [-h] [-trace TRACE] [-trace_file TRACE_FILE] [--version]
[-ip IP] [-port PORT] [-IED IED_CONFIG]
[-mode MODE] [-mode_number MODE_NUMBER]
Manages power system simulation and synchronizes with the network coordinator
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-trace TRACE "-trace 1" for yes: instead of using network emulator
we can use a trace of synchronization events from file
-trace_file TRACE_FILE
location for trace file
--version show program's version number and exit
-ip IP ip of power coordinator
-port PORT port reserved for power coordinator
path to IED file
path to main circuit file
-ts TIMESTEP, --timestep TIMESTEP
resolution of time step
-et ET time the experiment should end
-mode MODE mode the simulator should be ran in: "Snap", "Duty",
"Harmonics", "Direct","Dynamics": default is duty
-mode_number MODE_NUMBER, -mn MODE_NUMBER
number of solutions done in different modes. Warning
this advances the clock (I believe that you can just
set the timestep to a good value and be okay)
- navigate to C:\DSS\DSSnet\dss on windows
- run `python powerCoord.py -ip x.x.x.x whatever the ip of your win vm is
- navigate to ~/DSSnet/net/DSSnet/ on linux
- run `sudo python netCoord.py -ip x.x.x.x whatever the ip of your win vm is
- You should see
sudo ./netCoord.py
kernel switch used
custom controller
ovs in virtual time
Opening Connection to tcp://
dilate_all_procs -t 0 -p 1184 1182
no pipe info given
no pipe info given
no pipe info given
no pipe info given
no pipe info given
no pipe info given
*** Creating network
*** Adding controller
*** Adding hosts:
estest f1 gtest1 ltest1 mtest1 mtest2
*** Adding switches:
s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6
*** Adding links:
(s1, ltest1) (s1, s2) (s2, gtest1) (s2, s3) (s3, estest) (s3, s4) (s4, mtest1) (s4, s5) (s5, f1) (s5, mtest2) (s5, s6)
*** Configuring hosts
estest f1 gtest1 ltest1 mtest1 mtest2
*** Starting controller
*** Starting 6 switches
s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 ...
Dumping Host Connections
estest estest-eth0:s3-eth3
f1 f1-eth0:s5-eth4
gtest1 gtest1-eth0:s2-eth3
ltest1 ltest1-eth0:s1-eth2
mtest1 mtest1-eth0:s4-eth3
mtest2 mtest2-eth0:s5-eth3
pids in virtual time: 1182 1184 1182 1184 19783 19785 19787 19789 19791 19793 19798 19801 19804 19807 19810 19813 19776
initiation finished
*** Starting CLI:
- At this point type
DSSnet --> start
sudo python ./models/test/load.py ltest1 &
sudo python ./models/test/gen.py gtest1 &
sudo python ./models/test/es.py estest &
sudo python ./models/test/mon0.py mtest1 &
sudo python ./models/test/mon1.py mtest2 &
sudo python ./models/test/fault.py f1 &
creating pipe: ./tmp/ltest1
creating pipe: ./tmp/gtest1
creating pipe: ./tmp/estest
creating pipe: ./tmp/mtest1
creating pipe: ./tmp/mtest2
creating pipe: ./tmp/f1
DSSnet --> update b p storage post_storage 1485976509.54 estest 3 1950 2050 -500
update n p fault post_fault 1485976509.73 f1 3 1 b24 a
update n p controllable_generator post_controllable_generator 1485976509.73 gtest1 1 1.5
update b p monitor_0 post_monitor_0 1485976509.93 mtest1 0
update b p monitor_1 post_monitor_1 1485976510.08 mtest2 0
update n p controllable_load post_controllable_load 1485976510.23 ltest1 1 10700
update n p controllable_generator post_controllable_generator 1485976510.74 gtest1 1 1.5
update b p monitor_0 post_monitor_0 1485976511.14 mtest1 0
update b p monitor_1 post_monitor_1 1485976511.44 mtest2 0
update n p controllable_load post_controllable_load 1485976511.74 ltest1 1 10700
update n p controllable_generator post_controllable_generator 1485976511.74 gtest1 1 1.5
update b p monitor_0 post_monitor_0 1485976512.34 mtest1 0
update n p controllable_generator post_controllable_generator 1485976512.74 gtest1 1 1.5
update b p monitor_1 post_monitor_1 1485976512.8 mtest2 0
update n p controllable_load post_controllable_load 1485976513.24 ltest1 1 10700
update b p monitor_0 post_monitor_0 1485976513.55 mtest1 0
update n p controllable_generator post_controllable_generator 1485976513.74 gtest1 1 1.5
update b p monitor_1 post_monitor_1 1485976514.15 mtest2 0
update n p controllable_load post_controllable_load 1485976514.74 ltest1 1 10700
update n p controllable_generator post_controllable_generator 1485976514.74 gtest1 1 1.5
update b p monitor_0 post_monitor_0 1485976514.75 mtest1 0
update b p monitor_1 post_monitor_1 1485976515.51 mtest2 0
update n p controllable_generator post_controllable_generator 1485976515.74 gtest1 1 1.5
update b p monitor_0 post_monitor_0 1485976515.96 mtest1 0
update n p controllable_load post_controllable_load 1485976516.24 ltest1 1 10700
update n p controllable_generator post_controllable_generator 1485976516.74 gtest1 1 1.5
update b p monitor_1 post_monitor_1 1485976516.86 mtest2 0
update b p monitor_0 post_monitor_0 1485976517.17 mtest1 0
update n p controllable_load post_controllable_load 1485976517.74 ltest1 1 10700
update n p controllable_generator post_controllable_generator 1485976517.74 gtest1 1 1.5
update b p monitor_1 post_monitor_1 1485976518.22 mtest2 0
update b p monitor_0 post_monitor_0 1485976518.37 mtest1 0
update n p controllable_generator post_controllable_generator 1485976518.74 gtest1 1 1.5
update n p controllable_load post_controllable_load 1485976519.24 ltest1 1 10700
update b p monitor_1 post_monitor_1 1485976519.58 mtest2 0
update b p monitor_0 post_monitor_0 1485976519.59 mtest1 0
- I hit ctrl + c and then type exit to gracefully exit the DSSnet program ( See FAQ )
DSSnet --> DSSnet --> exit
dilate_all_procs -t 0 -p 1184 1182
vagrant@coursera-sdn:~/DSSnet/net/DSSnet$ /usr/bin/java: No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove ‘/tmp/fifo.tmp’: No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove ‘*~’: No such file or directory
*** Removing excess controllers/ofprotocols/ofdatapaths/pings/noxes
killall controller ofprotocol ofdatapath ping nox_core lt-nox_core ovs-openflowd ovs-controller udpbwtest mnexec ivs 2> /dev/null
killall -9 controller ofprotocol ofdatapath ping nox_core lt-nox_core ovs-openflowd ovs-controller udpbwtest mnexec ivs 2> /dev/null
pkill -9 -f "sudo mnexec"
*** Removing junk from /tmp
rm -f /tmp/vconn* /tmp/vlogs* /tmp/*.out /tmp/*.log
*** Removing old X11 tunnels
*** Removing excess kernel datapaths
ps ax | egrep -o 'dp[0-9]+' | sed 's/dp/nl:/'
*** Removing OVS datapaths
ovs-vsctl --timeout=1 list-br
2017-02-01T19:22:01Z|00001|fatal_signal|WARN|terminating with signal 14 (Alarm clock)
Alarm clock
ovs-vsctl --timeout=1 list-br
2017-02-01T19:22:02Z|00001|fatal_signal|WARN|terminating with signal 14 (Alarm clock)
Alarm clock
*** Removing all links of the pattern foo-ethX
ip link show | egrep -o '([-_.[:alnum:]]+-eth[[:digit:]]+)'
( ip link del s1-eth2;ip link del s2-eth1;ip link del s1-eth1;ip link del s2-eth3;ip link del s3-eth1;ip link del s2-eth2;ip link del s3-eth3;ip link del s4-eth1;ip link del s3-eth2;ip link del s4-eth3;ip link del s5-eth1;ip link del s4-eth2;ip link del s5-eth4;ip link del s5-eth3;ip link del s6-eth1;ip link del s5-eth2 ) 2> /dev/null
ip link show
*** Killing stale mininet node processes
pkill -9 -f mininet:
*** Shutting down stale tunnels
pkill -9 -f Tunnel=Ethernet
pkill -9 -f .ssh/mn
rm -f ~/.ssh/mn/*
*** Cleanup complete.
good to go!
your exact output may be different but this tests the current supported models
controllable load
controllable generator
controllable energy storage (negative value for charge)
monitors 0 and 1
The network coordinator will keep running indefinetely. the
option on the power coordinator stops the power coordinator at a set time and then exports whatever monitors were registered in the IED file. (default 2 seconds) -
This tests the blocking and non-blocking queues and verifies connectivity to the simulation.
always start the power coordinator first
the numbers returned are time and the pmu raw measurements
- In windows: IED file, and the load / generator 'loadshape' files are placed in C:\DSS\DSSnet\dss\ So copy paste accordingly.
- In windows: the monitors that are exported need to be moved or they will be overwritten by subsequent experiments automatically
- when the
- htop - utilizes vt information on processes
sudo -E htop
or justhtop
in non sudo permissions to view interesting stuff ps fj
is a nice formated output to verify models are running
- now that the code is working you can start by creating the DSS circuit.
- create an entry for each IED (controllable load/generator/es/etc) in the IED configuration file in windows. Note IED file items are ones such that will be updated via the network coordinator.
- dynamic loads/gens go in the dss folder as csv files ( the whole file is split evenly over the specified time (-et x))
- create an IED model (in python) for your IEDs that run in the emulation in linux
- IED models should create pipe objects similar to the example to communicate to the netCoordinator
- create a topology and ied configuration file in linux ( use the example ones as template )
- Specify startup options and create a controller application (more to come)
To seek help, and feature requests:
- Christopher Hannon
- [email protected]
- open an issue - I'll try to help!
- Synchronization events come in two varieties:
- Blocking - Will pause all hosts in network to maintain temporal accuracy
- Not blocking - Will not pause hosts in network
- see paper in PADS for more details
- space delimited
update b/n destination(n/p) preprocessing_handler post_handler time hostID NumFields(n) f(1) f(2) ... f(n)
- examples:
- update b p controllable_generator post_controllable_generator 0.1 gtest1 1 1.5
- update b p controllable_load post_controllable_load 0.2 ltest1 1 10700
- update b p monitor_0 post_monitor_0 0.45 mtest1 0
- update b p monitor_1 post_monitor_1 0.82 mtest2 0
- update b p storage post_storage 1.06 estest 3 1950 2050 -500
- update b p monitor_0 post_monitor_0 1.2 mtest1 0
- update b p monitor_1 post_monitor_1 1.4 mtest2 0
- update b p fault post_fault 1.6 f1 3 1 B24 a
- By default all models should have a pipe from the coordinator to their process to receive messages
- For IEDs this is how they get values from the power simulator
- For other hosts it may not be necessary
- the class to import is
- the name of the pipe is
- a model will call
passing in its own hostname - a model will call
to pass a synchronization event to the network coordinator - if a reply is expected from the synchronization event ( depending on the type of events (( see paper )) ) a call to
returns a string data if there is any data in the pipe. Typically a use would bewhile i: if listen(): i=0
Im sure there are other/ better ways.
- This program contains host objects after reading in the configuration file
- user defined synchronization preprocessing
- post processing
- ** This file determines how models will interface with power coordinator ** todo - add more description
- contains the information for starting the models in the network emulator
- field 1 is unique identifier for the id of the host
- field 2 is a description of the host
- field 3 is the assigned ip address
- field 4 is the startup command for the host - can use && |& ; etc
- keyword split is used to deliminate the field
- TODO use better config formats
- id split msg split ip split command
PMU101 split PMU split split python pmu.py 101 pdc5 pmu101 > log.txt
- defines switches links and linkops
- new switch_id
- a b linkops
1.) Freezes upon starting host processes
ans: Common problem: dont forget the &
so that the process on hosts run in background.
2.) netCoord.py appears black after typeing exit
ans: poor thread management. hit ctrl + c and probably will experience issue 3
3.) after exiting netCoord.py I can not see cursor ( or typing text in terminal) anymore
ans: hit ctrl + c in terminal window then type sudo netCoord.py -c
I get an error: Exception Please shut down the controller which is running on port 6653?
sudo python netCoord.py
Opening Connection to tcp://
*** Creating network
*** Adding controller
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "netCoord.py", line 291, in <module>
File "netCoord.py", line 256, in run_main
net = Mininet(top, link = TCLink)
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/mininet/net.py", line 172, in __init__
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/mininet/net.py", line 444, in build
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/mininet/net.py", line 411, in buildFromTopo
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/mininet/net.py", line 261, in addController
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/mininet/node.py", line 1539, in DefaultController
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/mininet/node.py", line 1362, in __init__
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/mininet/node.py", line 1380, in checkListening
Exception: Please shut down the controller which is running on port 6653:
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT -
tcp6 0 0 :::6653 :::* LISTEN 22734/java
Well you should reserve this port for the controller.