Some useful commands to interact with the SLURM job scheduler
# Submit a job script
sbatch 00-script/
# Cancel a task with the related JOB_ID
scancel 26666
# Display submitted jobs
# List jobs that ran today
sacct -l
# List jobs that ran in the past
sacct -S 2016-01-01
# Launch '' with 4 CPUs and 10 Go or RAM
srun -c4 --mem 10000
# Use srun for any long jobs, even cp or rsync
srun rsync
# Visualize partitions (equal to qinfo in SGE)
sacctmgr -p list qos
# List partitions you have access to
sacctmgr list associations where user=$USER
# Launch job2 if job1 finished OK
sbatch --dependency=afterok:SLURM_JOB_ID
# List infos about running jobs
sacct --format="CPUTime,MaxRSS,AveRSS,JobName,Timelimit,Start,Elapsed"
# Get help about sacct command
sacct --helpformat