This project is an illustration of an end to end solution for developing a Feed Management system with Data ingestion (RSS Feeds) into a scalable database with display of the same in a UI.
The project is developed using following technologies
Typescript, Javascript
Unit Testing and Test coverage using mocha, chai, sinon, nyc
Docker, Docker-compose
Install Docker and Docker-compose in your system (This is really fantastic because docker-compose will build and up all the required services)
Without Docker and Docker-compose, the system can also be run by installing above mentioned techstack individually
cd DataIntegrationAndFeedManagement
sudo docker-compose up // This will build/pull images of backend, forntend, redis and nginx as components of the system services
Copy/Configure nginx.conf from nginxConf/nginx.conf into /etc/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
service nginx start
Nginx will run default at port 80
Start Backend server as follows
cd server
npm install
npm run test
npm run start-dev // For running typescript files locally
npm run build // This will convert tsc to javascript into dist/ folder
This should make your server running in port 4000
Start Frontend server as follows
cd client
npm install
npm run start
This should make your server running in port 3000 (default port)