This is a Julia implementation of CPAB transformations based on [Freifeld et al., ICCV '15] . For a the original CUDA/Python implementation (with more options than currently appear here), please see
This software is released under the MIT License (included with the software). Note, however, that using this code (and/or the results of running it) to support any form of publication (e.g.,a book, a journal paper, a conference paper, a patent application, etc.) requires you to cite the following paper:
title = {Highly-Expressive Spaces of Well-Behaved Transformations: Keeping It Simple},
author = {Oren Freifeld and S{\o}ren Hauberg and Kayhan Batmanghelich and John W. Fisher III},
booktitle = {International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
address = {Santiago, Chile},
month = Dec,
year = {2015}
Angel Yu (email: [email protected])
- Julia 0.4.2
- Python with matplotlib (required by the Julia package PyPlot)
- Julia Packages: DistributedArrays, Distributions, Images, PyPlot, ImageMagick, MAT (only to run the example scripts)
- To install these packages run the following commands in a Julia terminal:
- ImageMagick might not work on OSX systems. In that case, you can use QuartzImageIO by running:
There are a few demo scripts under "examples" which illustrates the use of this implementation. To run the demos, you would first need to navigate to the "examples" directory and open a Julia terminal there.
To run the demo script showing integration of a 1D CPAB transformation in serial, run the following command:
The image that results from running this script is located in "example/result_images/1d_integration.png"
To run the demo script showing integration of a 1D CPAB transformation in parallel using, say, 2 CPU cores (you can use as many cores as your machine has):
addprocs(2) # 2 processes
To run the demo script showing integration of a 2D CPAB transformation in serial:
The image that results from running this script is located in "example/result_images/2d_integration.png"
To run the demo script showing integration of a 2D CPAB transformation in parallel:
addprocs(2) # 2 processes
To run the demo script showing landmark warping inference using Metropolis' Algorithm:
The image that results from running this script is located in "example/result_images/metropolis.png"
To run the demo script showing landmark warping inference using Particle Filter in serial:
The image that results from running this script is located in "example/result_images/particle_filter.png"
To run the demo script showing landmark warping inference using Particle Filter in parallel: