XBMC script add-on that will auto unsubscribe from current tv channel if no activity detected
The script now has a cofigure dialogue to set the idle timer. Install then go into add-on configure section to set the idle timer
(OLD:Currently the time for sleep is hardcoded into the default.py in the variable: IDLE_TIME_MIN = 60)
The system will prompt before the expiry of the timer and if no action taken it will unsubscribe/stop the current activity on xbmc
NEW INSTALL METHOD: simply install using .zip file in package script.service.idleunsubscribe.zip
(Go into system > add-ons install via zip)
OLD INSTALL METHOD: Create a folder for the addon in your .xbmc folder. e.g. mkdir /storage/.xbmc/addons/script.service.idleunsubscribe
Copy the default.py and addon.xml into this folder
Edit default.py and set the idle time you want. it's set to 1hr by default
Reload XBMC, go into addons and enable the idleunsubscribe addon. This will then trigger and start the countdown timer when a playback is taking place.