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Releases: andreypopov/node-red-contrib-wirenboard

Filter feature, output startup fix

28 Jul 04:30
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  • added filter option for wirenboard-in node, works the same as filter node;
  • output startup ignores initial (null) message from wirenboard on serial reload;
  • server node parses new meta info: control_meta and device_meta;

Messaging improvement, mata info

23 Nov 11:52
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  1. added msg.change: old, new, updated_at
  2. added timestamp in node.status
  3. added msg.meta, now it updates
  4. added msg.error, internal var , if there is no connection with device more than 1 minute

Multi devices

29 Jan 15:45
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  1. wb-get - now you can chose several channels, check msg. there is msg.math with average, sum, min, max values.
    wb-out - multi channels to send command.

  2. button events improved

Motor node, button improvements

27 Nov 17:07
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  1. motor node for all kind of motors
  2. button node changes: dimming function, toggle, msg.event instead of msg.payload

Major update, breaking changes!

03 Oct 22:48
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Export all flows, find and replace

wb-output -> wirenboard-out
wb-input -> wirenboard-in
wb-server -> wirenboard-server
wb-get -> wirenboard-get
wb-button -> wirenboard-button
"filter":"/dev -> "channel":"/dev
"url":" -> "host":"



27 Dec 07:49
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  • Support of readonly devices


14 Dec 19:35
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The first stable release