This is a collection of dot files to set up and sync my software development environment.
clone the repo in your home directory, enter this folder and run
chmod -R 0755 ./ && ./
- composer
- git
- git-lfs
- git-standup
- homebrew & homebrew cask
- node
- php
- wget
- zsh & zsh-completions & oh-my-zsh
- 1Password
- Alfred
- Docker
- Evernote
- Filezilla
- Franz
- Google Backup and Sync
- Google Chrome
- Google Web Designer
- iHosts
- Imageoptim
- iTerm2
- Kdiff3
- Keepingyouawake
- Kitematic
- Microsoft Office
- Monosnap
- Mozilla Firefox
- PhpStorm
- Postman
- Pritunl
- Robo 3T
- Sequel Pro
- Sip
- Skype
- Slack
- Sourcetree
- Spotify
- Things3
- Virtualbox
- Visual Studio Code
- @angular/cli
- @pingy/cli
- create-react-app
- eslint
- express-generator
- firebase-tools
- gulp-cli
- react-native-cli
- standard
- vue-cli
- Alfred
- iTerm2
- zsh & oh-my-zsh
- Visual Studio Code
Please login to personal account to get those software settings. To sync the settings of PhpStorm, please install IDE Settings Sync
in Plugin, and login to JetBrains account.
- 1Password
- Evernote
- Google Backup and Sync
- Google Chrome
- Monosnap
- PhpStorm
- Postman
- Pritunl
- Skype
- Slack
- Sourcetree
- Spotify
- Things3
Andrew Mok [email protected]