Custom functions to support model comparisons of multiple logistic regressions.
The following display of information is the key product of the functions. It structures model comparison and provides the indices to support formal statistical testing.
- Visualizing Multivariate Categorical Data - Some ideas about visualizing contingency tables - by STHDA
- The Contingency Coeficient - by Free University of Berlin
- Measures of Association for Nominal Variables - Review of measures of association between categorical variables with R code examples - by Salvatore S. Mangiafico
- Categorical Data Analysis - PSY 525/625 course at Portland State University - by Jason T. Newsom
- A bias-correction for Cram´er’s V and Tschuprow’s T - a paper by Wicher Bergsma
- Categorical Data Analysis: Effect Size - Chapter 12.4 in Learning statistics with R: A tutorial for psychology students and other beginners by Danielle Navarro
- Correlation between categorical variables- basic concepts and effect measures - post by Hoang Anh NGO
- Pearson’s chi-squared and Fisher’s exact tests - Section 8.11 in R for Health Data Science by Ewen Harrison and Riinu Pius
- Logistic Regression - Chapter 9 in R for Health Data Science by Ewen Harrison and Riinu Pius
- Association Analysis - Chapter 6 in Data Analytics book by Hans van der Zwan
- Categorical Data Analysis - book by Alan Agresti (3rd Ed)
- Alan Agresti - homepage of Alan Agresti