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topdown-csv: Fix checking for missing events #562

topdown-csv: Fix checking for missing events

topdown-csv: Fix checking for missing events #562

Workflow file for this run

# This workflow will install Python dependencies, run tests and lint with a variety of Python versions
# For more information see:
name: Python linting and testing
branches: [ master, test* ]
branches: [ master, test* ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
python-version: [3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10.8, 3.11, 3.12]
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install dependencies
run: |

Check failure on line 26 in .github/workflows/python.yml

View workflow run for this annotation

GitHub Actions / .github/workflows/python.yml

Invalid workflow file

You have an error in your yaml syntax on line 26
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install flake8 pytest mypy
if [ -f requirements.txt ]; then pip install -r requirements.txt; fi
sudo apt install -y shellcheck
- name: Lint with flake8
run: |
- name: Type check with mypy
run: |
- name: Run shell check
run: |
shellcheck -e SC2086,SC2012 -x tl-tester tester other-tester parallel-tester all-tester jevents/tester ucevent/uctester
- name: Run toplev tests
run: |
if ! grep -q GenuineIntel /proc/cpuinfo ; then export NATIVE_ARGS="--force-cpu skl" ; fi
WRAP=python PERF=./ NORES=1 ./tl-tester
- name: Run ocperf tests
run: |
python ./ -a
WRAP=python PERF=./ NORES=1 ./tester
- name: Run other tests
run: |
WRAP=python PERF=./ NORES=1 ./other-tester
- name: Run ucevent tests
run: |
set -e
cd ucevent
for i in jkt ivt hsx bdxde bdx skx ; do FORCECPU=$i WRAP=python MOCK=1 NORES=1 ./uctester ; done
# XXX WRAP=python MOCK=1 NORES=1 ./RUN-ALL # need to avoid GNU parallel
- name: Run parser tests
run: |
cd parser