Hi! I am a senior geospatial data scientist with extensive experience in remote sensing with focus in image processing. I hold a Master of Science in Geodetic Sciences and Geoinformatics (UFPE, 2015) and a PhD in Remote Sensing (INPE, 2019).
I have experience in using optical remote sensing data such as LANDSAT, Sentinel, Planet, CBERS, and Venμs to extract valuable insights for agricultural practices. My expertise encompasses:
- Spatiotemporal analysis of remote sensing data for vegetation studies.
- Development of predictive models for mapping and monitoring vegetation health.
- Automation of spatial analysis processes using tools such as Python, geopandas, pandas, gdal, rasterio, and pysal.
I am a highly motivated professional with a thirst for knowledge. Currently, I focus on exploring new technologies such as spatiotemporal analysis, Artificial Intelligence (AI), geospatial Big Data, time series analysis, and radiometric and atmospheric corrections.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning docker and kubernetes
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on developing methods to harness the EO data available to support decision making
- 💬 Ask me about remote sensing, geospatial analysis
- 📫 How to reach me [email protected]
- 📄 Know about my experiences https://andersonreisoares.github.io