Cite as: Journal of The Electrochemical Society 165 (2018) E81-E88 ( doi: 10.1149/2.0971802jes
Script based on scalarTransportFoam in order to predict, with the help of Navier-Stokes Eqs., laminar and turbulent mass-transfer behaviour in electrochemical reactors.
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In solvers (A) you will find the scripts to compile the solvers in order to solve the concentration field either in laminar or turbulent conditions knowing the velocity profile.
For OpenFOAM 6 and later. Both solvers are in one. For the laminar situation do not supply nut or nut = zero.
In tutorial (B) you will find an example for a parallel plates reactor with high aspect ratio (elecrode width/interelectrode gap).
1- Paste concentrationFoam (and/or turbulentConcentrationFoam for OpenFOAM 4,5) inside OpenFOAM user directory (Applications/Utilities/Solvers).
2- Enter to concentrationFoam (and/or turbulentConcentrationFoam for OpenFOAM 4,5) and open a terminal.
3- Run wmake.
1- Paste Navier-Stokes and concentration inside OpenFOAM user directory (Run/Tutorials).
2- Enter to Navier-Stokes and open a Terminal.
3- Modify properties inside constant folder for laminar or turbulent flow.
4- Run blockMesh and then Run simpleFoam.
5- Paste U (laminar and turbulent) and nut (turbulent) obtained as solution inside the 0 folder of concentration.
6- Open a terminal inside concentration and Run blockMesh, then Run concentrationFoam (and/or turbulentConcentrationFoam for OpenFOAM 4,5).