Swagger: http://catstore.runasp.net/swagger/index.html
Postman: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/38264798/2sAYJ7gK6v
├── CatStoreAPI/ # Main API Project
│ ├── Auth/ # JWT Authentication Helpers
│ ├── Controllers/ # API Controllers
│ ├── DTO/ # Data Transfer Objects
│ ├── Configuration/ # AutoMapper Configurations
│ ├── Properties/ # Project Properties
│ ├── appsettings.json # Application Configuration
│ ├── Program.cs # Application Entry Point
│ └── CatStoreAPI.csproj
├── Core/ # Core Interfaces and Models
│ ├── Interfaces/ # Repository and Service Interfaces
│ ├── Models/ # Domain Models
│ └── Core.csproj
├── Infrastructure/ # Data Access and Service Implementations
│ ├── DataBase/ # Database Context and Migrations
│ ├── Repositories/ # Repository Implementations
│ ├── Services/ # Service Implementations
│ └── Infrastructure.csproj
├── CatStoreAPI.sln # Solution File
└── README.md # Project README
- User registration and login
- JWT token authentication
- Refresh token mechanism
- Change password
- Forgot password
- Reset password
- User profile editing
- Token cleanup service
- CRUD operations for products
- Product categorization
- Shopping cart creation and management
- Cart items manipulation
- Cart item quantity updates
- Cart persistence
- Cart calculations
- Add/remove products to wishlist
- User-specific wishlists
- Order creation and processing
- Shipping address management
- Order items tracking
- Order history
- CRUD operations for categories
- Category reordering functionality
- Product reviews creation
- Review editing
- Rating system
- Payment using stripe
- Email service integration
- Email templates
- JWT authentication
- Token versioning
- User authorization
- Role-based access control (Admin, User)
- Refresh token mechanism
- Token blacklisting
- Token cleanup service
- Entity Framework Core
- SQL Server database
- Migration management
- Data relationships
- Unit of Work pattern
- Token cleanup service
- User service
- Category reordering service
- Repository pattern implementation
- AutoMapper for DTO mappings
- Name: Anas Al-horigy
- Email: [email protected]
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anas-alhorigy/