This is a raytracer written in C++ following the Ray tracing in one weekend book. The purpose of thie project is to generate realistic images by simulating shadows, reflection, refraction and many other natural phenomenon. I also wanted to use linear algebra, so I worked on this personal project.
- Shadows, diffuse materials
- Reflections, metals, refractions and glass
- Simple geometric shapes such as spheres
- Anti-aliasing
- Multithreading
- A C++ 11 compiler, (GCC, MSVC, etc)
- CMake >= 3.10
- Git (optional)
You can install the packages on linux using your preferred package manager. For example on ubuntu,
sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential cmake
On windows, install mingw and cmake.
Get the sources
git clone
Otherwise you can also download the source directly from github.
cd cpp-raytracer
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Then run the application with
On windows, open the project in MSVC and build the project. Or you can also install mingw and use gcc for compilation. Run the generated executable.
A list of files in src
directory with a short description.
File | Description |
camera.cpp and camera.hpp | Has the camera class, which produces rays cast into the scene |
colors.hpp | Defines color types, lerp for color, common colors and gamma correction. |
commons.hpp | Common functions - random number functions, intersection, interaction structs |
config.hpp | Default configuration for the raytracer |
frombook.hpp | Methods copied from book to test a particular functionality |
image.hpp and image.cpp | Functions for writing the image to a file |
main.cpp | Entry point for the program, main function |
material.hpp and material.cpp | Material class and defines various materials such as lambertian, glass, and metals. |
objects.hpp and objects.cpp | Different objects used in raytracing - spheres |
progressbar.hpp | Functions to display progressbar on the console |
raytracer.hpp and raytracer.cpp | Single threaded and multi threaded raytracer class and functions. They perform the main task of raytracing |
scene.hpp and scene.cpp | Defines the scene to be used for raytracing. |
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
for writing images -
for vectors -