Control PC from your android phone
Some details:
- Windows server was built in C# in visual studio.
- Server is using Bluetooth SPP hence the SPP GUID is hardcoded and should work out of the box for any android device.
- Server starts a background thread which will listen to instructions coming from android app
- Server is using AutoIt3 to send instructions to the app running in foreground
- Android app shows all the controls available and you can just click on them
- The set of controls can easily be extended.
Currently the app can send in the following keystrokes/function:
- Left
- Right
- F5 //used for entering presentation mode
- Esc
- ctrl Esc
- Sleep windows pc
- Hibernate windows pc
- Restart windows pc
- Shut Down windows pc
- Go to Desktop on windows pc
- Lock windows pc
Future work:
- Add more useful features
- Convert Mobile phone into game pad //this can be tricky as autoit is slow in executing key strokes, and hence continuous key press (e.g. accelerating in Need For Speed) doesnt work very well.