This repository has Python scripts to create a dataset for Paligemma to segment water in satellite images. The blog post of this project can be found here.
- Python 3.12
- Pipenv
Clone the repository first.
Once the project is cloned, you need to create and set up a virtual environment. To do so,
open a terminal and type the following commands:
> cd <path to SegmentWaterWithPaligemma>
> pipenv install --dev
> pipenv shell
> git clone --quiet --branch=main --depth=1 big_vision
> pre-commit install
The last two commands will install Big Vision and the pre-commit hooks. The pre-commit hooks will check the code before committing.
Note: If you use VS Code or Pycharm, make sure to set up your Python interpreter to the virtual environment created.
The original dataset is in Kaggle. It can be downloaded from this link.
Since some masks are not correct, I manually selected the correct images. You can read this blog post
to see how I did it. In the folder data/
you can find the final set of images.
To create the dataset used by Paligemma, run this command:
> python --data_path=<absolute path to data/> --masks_folder_name=Masks_cleaned --images_folder_name=Images_cleaned
After running this command, a subfolder called water_bodies/
will be created in data/
This subfolder contains the images and the JSONL format needed as input for Paligemma.
In your Google Drive:
- Create a folder for this project.
- In that folder upload
- copy the notebook accompanying this repository.
- Make sure to set a proper running time. It can be T4 GPU or A 100 GPU.
You are ready to fine-tune Paligemma for segmentation.