Update dependency react-scripts to v5 #8
License Report
❗️ The scan was completed with partial results. There were issues encountered while retrieving or scanning dependencies for the following package managers: python. This may result in incomplete coverage of open-source dependencies used in the repository.
You have successfully resolved 1 policy violations, but introduced 3 new policy violations in this branch.
❌ New policy violations:
Library | License | ⛔ Policy Details | Issue |
axe-core-4.7.0.tgzPath to dependency file: /frontend/package.json Path to library: /frontend/node_modules/axe-core/package.json Dependency Hierarchy: -> react-scripts-5.0.0.tgz (Root Library) -> eslint-config-react-app-7.0.1.tgz -> eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y-6.8.0.tgz -> ❌ axe-core-4.7.0.tgz (Library containing License Policy Violation) |
Mozilla 2.0 |
[Reject][Global] Block CopyLeft Licenses (Project) | None |
harmony-reflect-1.6.1.tgzPath to dependency file: /frontend/package.json Path to library: /frontend/node_modules/harmony-reflect/package.json Dependency Hierarchy: -> react-scripts-5.0.0.tgz (Root Library) -> identity-obj-proxy-3.0.0.tgz -> ❌ harmony-reflect-1.6.1.tgz (Library containing License Policy Violation) |
Apache 2.0 Mozilla 1.1 |
[Reject][Global] Block CopyLeft Licenses (Project) | None |
node-forge-1.3.1.tgzPath to dependency file: /frontend/package.json Path to library: /frontend/node_modules/node-forge/package.json Dependency Hierarchy: -> react-scripts-5.0.0.tgz (Root Library) -> webpack-dev-server-4.15.2.tgz -> selfsigned-2.4.1.tgz -> ❌ node-forge-1.3.1.tgz (Library containing License Policy Violation) |
GPL 2.0 BSD 3 |
[Reject][Global] Block CopyLeft Licenses (Project) | None |
✔️ Resolved policy violations:
Library | License |
node-forge-0.9.0.tgz | BSD 3, GPL 2.0 |
Base branch total remaining license policy violations: 2
Base branch commit: 585759b277c5041e33fa778e7a918f73cf748e22
Total libraries scanned: 1532
Scan token: b110ed3f03d343edaa509752cca96692