This is a multi-module Maven Java Spring Boot application that includes two separate modules, each functioning as a discrete Spring Boot application. The primary objective of this project is to demonstrate the utilization of API-driven development in a microservices environment.
The main application features an API endpoint at /ping, which internally invokes another service to produce a response.
Before running the application, please ensure that you have Java 17 and Maven installed on your system. Follow these steps to run the application:
Clone the repository or download it to your local machine.
Navigate to the project's root directory.
Build the application by running the following command:
mvn clean install
- Start the main application by running the following command in the application directory:
cd application
mvn spring-boot:run
Run the following command to start the ping-service application:
cd ping-service
mvn spring-boot:run
To access the public endpoint, open your browser and go to http://localhost:8080/ping.
The API documentation for each application is available via Swagger UI. To access the Swagger UI, go to http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html.
To run the tests for the application, please follow these steps:
Navigate to the project's root directory.
Run the following command to execute the tests:
mvn test