This container contains the Chocolatey package manager, intended to be used on images where packages from Chocolatey repo are needed. This uses the .NET Framework Runtime 4.8 base image, using ltsc2025 (not available yet), ltsc2022 (latest), ltsc2019 and ltsc2016
This example will install Vistal Studio 2022 Build Tools FROM amitie10g/chocolatey:ltsc2022
SHELL ["powershell", "-Command"]
RUN choco install -y visualstudio2022buildtools; choco-cleaner
ENTRYPOINT ["C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2022\\BuildTools\\Common7\\Tools\\VsDevCmd.bat", "&&", "powershell.exe", "-NoLogo", "-ExecutionPolicy", "Bypass"]
- This container image contains the Chocolatey Open Source edition, licensed under the Apache License
- The Windows-based container image usages are subjected to the Microsoft EULA
- The contents of this repository are released into the Public domain (the Unlicense)