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amirmv2006 edited this page Oct 15, 2017 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Vaseline wiki!

What is Vaseline?

Vaseline is a modular Enterprise Application Framework to help you create Enterprise applications easier, something similar to Spring but with lower level facilities. But what do I mean by easier? If you take a look at an Enterprise Application - that is not using Vaseline! - you'll see that there's a lot of repeated code in there. Let's say you are using Hibernate, then in almost all of your DAOs you will have a save method which is doing There is a best practice for this which is called Generic DAO. The general idea behind Generic DAO is that you create a parent class for all your DAOs and put the basic CRUD methods such as save,update,delete,findById,... in there and all your DAOs will extend this class inheriting all these methods. Vaseline is a super-magnified version of this! Using Vaseline, you will have parent classes for each layer, giving you basic functionalities for that layer. The main goal is to abstract the repeated code in Enterprise Applications (based on personal experience) into re-usable modules.

Base Functionalities in Vaseline

The base functionalities that already exist in Vaseline are:

Data Fetch

Read-Only functions

Simple Search functions

Advanced Search functions

Create, Update, Delete functions
