Dataset Source – OpenDataSus - Registros de Vacinação Covid19 - Dados SC – Santa Catarina – Brasil (1)
Dataset downloaded on 30 de maio 2021 at 05:00 am.
Inicial master File named – sc3005_05amB.csv (corrected version of sc3005_05am)
Original total file size – 1.11 GB = 34 columns and 2.017.225 rows (or registrations)
The above master file was divided in 17 separated files. Each grouping all the registered data from the counties belonging to a DECENTRALIZED EPIDEMIOLOGICAL SURVEILLANCE UNITS (UDVE) in the state of Santa Catarina- Brasil.
This repository, built in 3 phases (details at the end of this page) is my personal project for the Module 2 of the Alura Bootcamp Applied Data Sciences II (ABADSII).
It uses the same original raw dataset used in the repository (Vac_Covid19_BR_SC_Combinations_of_Concern_1). After making some corrections for the parsing done on phase I in the previous module I dig further on the EDA work.
Brief summary from previous module: In the previous repository (Vac_Covid19_BR_SC_Combinations_of_Concern_1) after cross-checking 3 (out of the 34 original columns) (coluna 26 - vacina_fabricante_nome, coluna 30 - vacina_codigo, coluna 31 - vacina_nome), of a government open source database, I found that for 12% of the registers (~260.000 out of ~ 2 Million), as per cut date of 30 May 2021 at 5am, we can not certify with 100% of certitude which vaccine an individual received.
To dig further and explore potential root causes of inconsitencies found on 12% of the registers on the raw master file above, I added 2 original dataset columns to the initial 3 used in the previosu repository. These are c29_v_descricao_dose and c32_sistema_origem
So the 5 variables that we will explore all the possible combinations are:
- c26_v_fabricante_nome
- c30_v_codigo
- c31_v_nome
- c29_v_descricao_dose
- c32_sistema_origem
As mentioned before, inconsitency between columns c-26, c30 and c_31, implies that, based on the data available in a individual register, we can not confirm which vaccine an individual received.
From the safety and operational point of view, it has potential for disrupt the obligatory pharmacovigilance follow up for each individual as well as planning from local to federal level for the resuply of vaccines for the second dose.
The two most used vaccines have sigifnicant differences for the interval between Dose 1 and Dose 2 - Coronavac: 30 days and AstraZeneca (120 days). So by adding this variable to the analyses we may be able to assess some historical evolution of this issue.
If we ignore the spelling errors, I identified in this column, 6 different source systems available to local vaccinations teams to be used to register all the data from the vaccination of each individual.
I hope we could isolate any potential link between a source system and set(s) of 'combination of concern'.
'Combination of concern': within an individual registration (rows from our master dataset and/or SC UDVE dataset), combination of data between columns c26_v_fabricante_nome, c30_v_codigo and c31_v_nome, that does not allow to confirm which vaccine an individual received.
Per exemple:
c30_vaccine_code | c31_vaccine_name | c26_vaccine_manufacturer_name | registers with a Combination of Concern identified on this work |
85 | Covid-19-Coronavac-Sinovac/Butantan | SERUM INSTITUTE OF INDIA LTD. | 195.810 |
86 | Vacina Covid-19 - Covishield. | SINOVAC LIFE SCIENCE CO LTD | 63.651 |
SERUM INSTITUTE OF INDIA Ltds and Covishield are related to the AstraZeneca vaccine not the Coronavac or SINOVAC vaccines (3)
Only 2 out 17 SC UDVEs are responsible for ~ 80% of all registrations of concern (202.195 out of 259.507).
Only 1 out 6 Source Systems used in SC are responsible for 99% of registration with a 'combination of concern'. This clearly points out to SYSTEMIC ISSUE mainly because all the registers with a combination of concern appears across 16 out 17 UDVES with the problematic source system.
The proportion of combination of concern, for the column 29 was: Dose 1 = 64 % and Dose 2 = 36 % respectively.
From the RBM methodology point of view, the above findings from this M2 project are 'great news'.
It suggests that the root cause of such discrepancies are isolated, traceable, and in theory, have potential for manageable and speedy corrective actions using RBM managerial tecniques.
for the next Module 3 project of this bootcamp I aim to dig further and identify the counties and 'vaccination centers' with high frequency of combination of concern to be targeted for more detailed assessment of the root cause of those combinations of concern. I expect that such strategy would allow to set up an effective and tailored corrective and/or training plan.
The 12% rate of combinations of concern was apparently a constant as I already noticed it at the end of April (personal empirical data) and May (as documented on Vac_Covid19_BR_SC_Combinations_of_Concern_1). So it will be important to verify at end of June how this rate is evolving. For that we will be able to use the material prepared for this project as well the improvements to come due to learnings during this Alura Bootcamp Applied Data Sciences.
Learn how to make all the tasks performed in phase I and III on this project using only Google&Colaboratory and Python.
It was created on three phases, each using different tools:
Terminal Command Line: due to restrictions and/or issues with the uploading of the master file due to its size I used the terminal command line on my macbook laptop to parse the data from the raw master file into 17 files, each corresponding to a diferent UDVE of the state of SC. The original raw master file used here is sc3005_05amB.csv. That is an updated version of sc3005_05am, as I mistakly mixed put some counties in the wrong UDVES. For furhter information about the tecniques used for this task please check the worksheet 'Phase 1 - Term. Com.Line - M2P in the attached excel file named 'sc3005_05am - Github Documentation - M2P - Phases 1 e 3.xlsx'
Used Google Drive, Colab and Python –
- First I managed to upload one of the 17 UDVE files.
- Next I used used it to create a notebook by finding, isolating and quantifying all the exisiting combinations between the 5 variables (columns) mentioned above. Once I succeed to get the key information I need at this stage, I simply replicated this file for all the other 16 UDVEs.
- Then, I created a google sheet file with the results of each UDVE notebook
- Finally I compiled them together in one notebook named M2_P_sc3005_ALL_UDVEs.ipynb.
As all the 17 separated Colab notebooks have the same code, for convenience I will add on this github repository a notebook for only one UDVE (M2_P_sc3005_UDVE_01.ipynb). All the other 16 notebooks can be found in My drive > Alura DS Bootcamp > Combinations of Concern Projects > Alura DS - Vac_C19_CoC_2_M2_AluraDSB_sc3005_05amB
Excel: Manually gathered the data from the notebook M2_P_sc3005_ALL_UDVEs.ipynb and transfered it to an Excel workbook. I then concatanated in the excel file, all the combinations between the 5 variables for each of the UDVEs. Identified the "combinations of concern", isolated and analyzed them. The results analysis of the phase III are documented in the worksheets 'Phase 3 final results - M2P' and 'Phase 3A - Detailed results M2P' in the attached excel file named 'sc3005_05am - Github Documentation - M2P - Phases 1 e 3.xlsx'
- (1) https://opendatasus.saude.gov.br/dataset/covid-19-vacinacao/resource/ef3bd0b8-b605-474b-9ae5-c97390c197a8?view_id=6bf433e7-16ec-4dfa-a725-08db02322bd6
- (2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Catarina_(state)
- (3) https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-55748124
- (3) ANVISA - Vacina Covid19 - acessed on 13 Jun 21 - https://www.gov.br/anvisa/pt-br/assuntos/paf/coronavirus/vacinas
- (3) ANVISA - Vacinas registradas - acessed on 13 Jun 21 - https://www.gov.br/anvisa/pt-br/assuntos/paf/coronavirus/vacinas-covid/registros
- (3) ANVISA - Vacinas Uso Emergencial - acessed on 13 Jun 21 - https://www.gov.br/anvisa/pt-br/assuntos/paf/coronavirus/vacinas-covid/vacinas-uso-emergencial