The service is helpful for uploading media & other assets to s3.
Before diving into go-uploader first you will need to setup Go & go-uploader environment properly.
Flow of the go-uploader is quite simple as follows -
router --> controller --> model
To store models hosted MongoDB
is used.
Controller also deals with s3
calls for getting signed urls.
Apart from these there are utilities & constant files in the project.
You can skip this step if you have Go installed already.
brew update & brew install go # install Go
mkdir $HOME/gospace # workspace for Go development
export GOPATH=$HOME/gospace # export $GOPATH variable
mkdir $GOPATH/src # contains Go source files
mkdir $GOPATH/pkg # contains package objects
mkdir $GOPATH/bin # contains executables
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin # export $GOPATH/bin
It is better to follow standard directory structure for Go projects. This is important to avoid package imports complexities. It also keeps the Go workspace clean.
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/ # create directory inside $GOPATH
cd $GOPATH/src/ # go to the directory
git clone # clone go-uploader inside the directory
There is
file written which takes care of all the testing aspects from linting to tests & much more.
There are integration as well as unit tests written.
# run tests
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<aws-access-key-id> AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<aws-secret-access-key> AWS_REGION=us-east-1 AWS_BUCKET=ts-engineering-test MONGO_URL=<mongo-url> MONGO_DB_NAME=dblabs MONGO_COLLECTION=assets sh
# If you get any error regarding permissions, give executable permissions to & then run above command.
chmod +x
# checks for 4 aspects - formatting, correctness, linting & tests
# it might look slow as it must be connecting to remote database & services
# build go project (This creates binary & put it in $GOPATH/bin)
go install
# run go-uploader directly (as $GOPATH/bin is already added in $PATH)
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<aws-access-key-id> AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<aws-secret-access-key> AWS_REGION=us-east-1 AWS_BUCKET=ts-engineering-test MONGO_URL=<mongo-url> MONGO_DB_NAME=dblabs MONGO_COLLECTION=assets go-uploader
# Check if server is running by opening following url, you should get response as "pong"
You can use any web client to call APIs (such as Postman
But for keeping it simple here are the curl commands for the APIs.
# call post api to get upload_url along with asset-id
curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8489/asset'
# some shells might show unicode characters for some of the special characters in pre-signed s3 url, if that is the case copy upload_url & paste it in this code snippet & run, the output will give you proper utf-8 equivalent
# upload the asset to s3 using pre-signed url
curl -v --upload-file <filepath-to-upload> "<signed-upload-url>"
# update status of the asset using put api
curl -X PUT 'http://localhost:8489/asset/<asset-id>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"status": "uploaded"}'
# get the download_url for the asset given asset-id
curl -X GET 'http://localhost:8489/asset/<asset-id>?timeout=3600'
# convert to utf-8 if there are any unicode characters over here
# download asset using returned download_url
# make sure the extension is same that of the uploaded asset (.jpg) Also do not miss the quotes.
curl "<signed-download-url>" --output sample.jpg