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feature: Adding support for FreeParameterExpression (#85)
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* Feature: Adding support for FreeParameterExpression, resolving Issue #82

* [Feature]: Adding support for FreeParameterExpression: Improving tests and subs function

* [Feature]: Adding support for FreeParameterExpression - minor cleanup

* [Feature]: Adding support for FreeParameterExpression - Formatting

* [Feature]: Adding support for FreeParameterExpression - Adding codereview suggestions

* [Feature]: Adding support for FreeParameterExpression - completing codereview suggestions

* [Feature]: Adding support for FreeParameterExpression - direct gate generation example to doctests

* [Feature]: Adding support for FreeParameterExpression - formatting

* [Feature]: Adding support for FreeParameterExpression - formatting

* [Feature]: Adding support for FreeParameterExpression - Adding more tests

* [Feature]: Adding support for FreeParameterExpression - formatting

* sliming down the operator functions

* codereview suggestions

* Minor Formatting, Including complete Greek Letters

* fix Symbolic version to 5.30.0 and SymbolicUtils to 2.0.2

* using SymbolicUtils  = =2.0.2


Signed-off-by: Katharine Hyatt <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Fe-r-oz <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Katharine Hyatt <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
3 people authored Aug 28, 2024
1 parent f5ec984 commit 608532d
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Showing 7 changed files with 194 additions and 7 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ Random = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c"
StaticArrays = "90137ffa-7385-5640-81b9-e52037218182"
Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"
StructTypes = "856f2bd8-1eba-4b0a-8007-ebc267875bd4"
Symbolics = "0c5d862f-8b57-4792-8d23-62f2024744c7"
SymbolicUtils = "d1185830-fcd6-423d-90d6-eec64667417b"
Tar = "a4e569a6-e804-4fa4-b0f3-eef7a1d5b13e"
UUIDs = "cf7118a7-6976-5b1a-9a39-7adc72f591a4"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -66,6 +68,8 @@ SparseArrays = "1.6"
StaticArrays = "=1.9.7"
Statistics = "1.6"
StructTypes = "=1.10.0"
Symbolics = "=5.30.3"
SymbolicUtils = "=2.0.2"
Tar = "1.9.3"
Test = "1.6"
UUIDs = "1.6"
Expand All @@ -91,6 +95,8 @@ Random = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c"
SparseArrays = "2f01184e-e22b-5df5-ae63-d93ebab69eaf"
Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"
StructTypes = "856f2bd8-1eba-4b0a-8007-ebc267875bd4"
Symbolics = "0c5d862f-8b57-4792-8d23-62f2024744c7"
SymbolicUtils = "d1185830-fcd6-423d-90d6-eec64667417b"
Tar = "a4e569a6-e804-4fa4-b0f3-eef7a1d5b13e"
Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"
UUIDs = "cf7118a7-6976-5b1a-9a39-7adc72f591a4"
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ QubitSet
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108 changes: 107 additions & 1 deletion src/Braket.jl
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module Braket

export Circuit, QubitSet, Qubit, Device, AwsDevice, AwsQuantumTask, AwsQuantumTaskBatch
export metadata, status, Observable, Result, FreeParameter, Job, AwsQuantumJob, LocalQuantumJob, LocalSimulator
export metadata, status, Observable, Result, FreeParameter, FreeParameterExpression, Job, AwsQuantumJob, LocalQuantumJob, LocalSimulator, subs
export Tracker, simulator_tasks_cost, qpu_tasks_cost
export arn, cancel, state, result, results, name, download_result, id, ir, isavailable, search_devices, get_devices
export provider_name, properties, type
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -32,13 +32,18 @@ using DecFP
using Graphs
using HTTP
using StaticArrays
using Symbolics
using SymbolicUtils
using JSON3, StructTypes
using LinearAlgebra
using DataStructures
using NamedTupleTools
using OrderedCollections
using Tar

# Operator overloading for FreeParameterExpression
import Base: +, -, *, /, ^, ==

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,6 +139,107 @@ end
Base.copy(fp::FreeParameter) = fp, fp::FreeParameter) = print(io, string(

FreeParameterExpression(expr::Union{FreeParameterExpression, Number, Symbolics.Num, String})
Struct representing a [`FreeParameterExpression`](@ref), which can be used in symbolic computations.
Instances of [`FreeParameterExpression`](@ref) can represent symbolic expressions involving [`FreeParameter`](@ref),
such as mathematical expressions with undetermined values.
This type is often used in combination with [`FreeParameter`](@ref), which represents individual [`FreeParameter`](@ref).
### Examples
julia> α = FreeParameter(:alpha)
julia> θ = FreeParameter(:theta)
julia> gate = FreeParameterExpression("α + 2*θ")
α + 2θ
julia> gsub = subs(gate, Dict(:α => 2.0, :θ => 2.0))
julia> gate + gate
2α + 4θ
julia> gate * gate
(α + 2θ)^2
julia> gate₁ = FreeParameterExpression("phi + 2*gamma")
2gamma + phi
struct FreeParameterExpression
function FreeParameterExpression(expr::Symbolics.Num)

FreeParameterExpression(expr::FreeParameterExpression) = FreeParameterExpression(expr.expression)
FreeParameterExpression(expr::Number) = FreeParameterExpression(Symbolics.Num(expr))
FreeParameterExpression(expr) = throw(ArgumentError("Unsupported expression type"))

# Function to validate the input expression string
function validate_expr(expr::String)
allowed_chars = Set("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+-*/^()αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψωϐϑϕϖϘϙϚϛϜϝϞϟϠϡϰϱϴϵ϶ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩ ")
for char in expr
if !(char in allowed_chars)
throw(ArgumentError("Unsupported character '$char' in expression. Only ASCII letters (a-z, A-Z), digits (0-9), Greek letters (α-϶, Α-Ω), space( ), and basic mathematical symbols (+ - * / ^ ()) are allowed."))
return expr

# Function to create FreeParameterExpression from a validated string
function FreeParameterExpression(expr::String)
validated_expr = validate_expr(expr)
parsed_expr = parse_expr_to_symbolic(Meta.parse(validated_expr), @__MODULE__)
return FreeParameterExpression(parsed_expr)
end, fpe::FreeParameterExpression) = print(io, fpe.expression)
Base.copy(fp::FreeParameterExpression) = fp

function subs(fpe::FreeParameterExpression, parameter_values::Dict{Symbol, <:Number})
param_values_num = Dict(Symbolics.variable(string(k); T=Real) => v for (k, v) in parameter_values)
subbed_expr = Symbolics.substitute(fpe.expression, param_values_num)
if isempty(Symbolics.get_variables(subbed_expr))
subbed_expr = Symbolics.value(subbed_expr)
return subbed_expr
subbed_expr = Symbolics.value(subbed_expr)
return FreeParameterExpression(subbed_expr)

Base.:+(fpe1::FreeParameterExpression, fpe2::Union{FreeParameterExpression, Number, Symbolics.Num}) =
FreeParameterExpression((fpe1 isa FreeParameterExpression ? fpe1.expression : fpe1) +
(fpe2 isa FreeParameterExpression ? fpe2.expression : fpe2))

Base.:*(fpe1::FreeParameterExpression, fpe2::Union{FreeParameterExpression, Number, Symbolics.Num}) =
FreeParameterExpression((fpe1 isa FreeParameterExpression ? fpe1.expression : fpe1) *
(fpe2 isa FreeParameterExpression ? fpe2.expression : fpe2))

Base.:-(fpe1::FreeParameterExpression, fpe2::Union{FreeParameterExpression, Number, Symbolics.Num}) =
FreeParameterExpression((fpe1 isa FreeParameterExpression ? fpe1.expression : fpe1) -
(fpe2 isa FreeParameterExpression ? fpe2.expression : fpe2))

Base.:/(fpe1::FreeParameterExpression, fpe2::Union{FreeParameterExpression, Number, Symbolics.Num}) =
FreeParameterExpression((fpe1 isa FreeParameterExpression ? fpe1.expression : fpe1) /
(fpe2 isa FreeParameterExpression ? fpe2.expression : fpe2))

Base.:^(fpe1::FreeParameterExpression, fpe2::Union{FreeParameterExpression, Number, Symbolics.Num}) =
FreeParameterExpression((fpe1 isa FreeParameterExpression ? fpe1.expression : fpe1) ^
(fpe2 isa FreeParameterExpression ? fpe2.expression : fpe2))

Base.:(==)(fpe1::FreeParameterExpression, fpe2::FreeParameterExpression) = isequal(fpe1.expression, fpe2.expression)
Base.:!=(fpe1::FreeParameterExpression, fpe2::FreeParameterExpression) = !(isequal(fpe1, fpe2))

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/circuit.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ mutable struct Circuit
qubit_observable_mapping::Dict{Int, Observables.Observable}
qubit_observable_target_mapping::Dict{Int, Tuple}
parameters::Set{Union{FreeParameter, FreeParameterExpression}}
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13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions src/gates.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,9 +48,12 @@ for gate_def in (
$($G) gate.
struct $G <: AngledGate{$n_angle}
angle::NTuple{$n_angle, Union{Real, FreeParameter}}
$G(angle::T) where {T<:NTuple{$n_angle, Union{Real, FreeParameter}}} = new(angle)
angle::NTuple{$n_angle, Union{Real, FreeParameter, FreeParameterExpression}}
$G(angle::T) where {T<:NTuple{$n_angle, Union{Real, FreeParameter, FreeParameterExpression}}} = new(angle)
$G(angles::Vararg{Union{Float64, FreeParameter, FreeParameterExpression}}) = $G(tuple(angles...))
$G(angles::Vararg{Number}) = $G((Float64(a) for a in angles)...)

chars(::Type{$G}) = $c
ir_typ(::Type{$G}) = $IR_G
qubit_count(::Type{$G}) = $qc
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -106,9 +109,9 @@ end
(::Type{G})(x::Tuple{}) where {G<:Gate} = G()
(::Type{G})(x::Tuple{}) where {G<:AngledGate} = throw(ArgumentError("angled gate must be constructed with at least one angle."))
(::Type{G})(x::AbstractVector) where {G<:AngledGate} = G(x...)
(::Type{G})(angle::T) where {G<:AngledGate{1}, T<:Union{Real, FreeParameter}} = G((angle,))
(::Type{G})(angle1::T1, angle2::T2) where {T1<:Union{Real, FreeParameter}, T2<:Union{Real, FreeParameter}, G<:AngledGate{2}} = G((angle1, angle2,))
(::Type{G})(angle1::T1, angle2::T2, angle3::T3) where {T1<:Union{Real, FreeParameter}, T2<:Union{Real, FreeParameter}, T3<:Union{Real, FreeParameter}, G<:AngledGate{3}} = G((angle1, angle2, angle3,))
(::Type{G})(angle::T) where {G<:AngledGate{1}, T<:Union{Real, FreeParameter, FreeParameterExpression}} = G((angle,))
(::Type{G})(angle1::T1, angle2::T2) where {T1<:Union{Real, FreeParameter, FreeParameterExpression}, T2<:Union{Real, FreeParameter, FreeParameterExpression}, G<:AngledGate{2}} = G((angle1, angle2,))
(::Type{G})(angle1::T1, angle2::T2, angle3::T3) where {T1<:Union{Real, FreeParameter, FreeParameterExpression}, T2<:Union{Real, FreeParameter, FreeParameterExpression}, T3<:Union{Real, FreeParameter, FreeParameterExpression}, G<:AngledGate{3}} = G((angle1, angle2, angle3,))
qubit_count(g::G) where {G<:Gate} = qubit_count(G)
angles(g::G) where {G<:Gate} = ()
angles(g::AngledGate{N}) where {N} = g.angle
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70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions test/freeparameterexpression.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
using Braket, Test

@testset "Free parameter expressions" begin
α = FreeParameter(:alpha)
θ = FreeParameter(:theta)
gate = FreeParameterExpression("α + 2*θ")
@test copy(gate) === gate
gsub = subs(gate, Dict( => 2.0, => 2.0))
circ = Circuit()
circ = H(circ, 0)
circ = Rx(circ, 1, gsub)
circ = Ry(circ, 0, θ)
circ = Probability(circ)
new_circ = circ(6.0)
non_para_circ = Circuit() |> (ci->H(ci, 0)) |> (ci->Rx(ci, 1, gsub)) |> (ci->Ry(ci, 0, 6.0)) |> Probability
@test new_circ == non_para_circ
ϕ = FreeParameter(:phi)
circ = apply_gate_noise!(circ, BitFlip(ϕ))
circ = apply_gate_noise!(circ, PhaseFlip(0.1))
new_circ = circ(theta=2.0, alpha=1.0, phi=0.2)
non_para_circ = Circuit() |> (ci->H(ci, 0)) |> (ci->Rx(ci, 1, gsub)) |> (ci->Ry(ci, 0, 2.0)) |> Probability |> (ci->apply_gate_noise!(ci, BitFlip(0.2))) |> (ci->apply_gate_noise!(ci, PhaseFlip(0.1)))
@test new_circ == non_para_circ

# creating gates directly
gate = FreeParameterExpression("phi + 2*gamma")
gsub₁ = subs(gate, Dict(:phi => 4.0, :gamma => 4.0))
@test gsub₁ == 12.0
circ = Circuit()
circ = H(circ, 0)
circ = Rx(circ, 1, gsub₁)
circ = Ry(circ, 0, θ)
circ = Probability(circ)
new_circ = circ(6.0)
non_para_circ = Circuit() |> (ci->H(ci, 0)) |> (ci->Rx(ci, 1, gsub₁)) |> (ci->Ry(ci, 0, 6.0)) |> Probability
@test new_circ == non_para_circ

# + operator
fpe1 = FreeParameterExpression("α + θ")
fpe2 = FreeParameterExpression("2 * θ")
result = fpe1 + fpe2
@test result == FreeParameterExpression("2 * θ + α + θ")
gsub = subs(result, Dict( => 1.0, => 1.0))
@test gsub == 4.0 # α + 3θ == 4.0
fpe3 = FreeParameterExpression("2 * θ")
# == operator
@test fpe3 == fpe2
# != operator
@test fpe1 != fpe2
# - operator
result = fpe1 - fpe2
@test result == FreeParameterExpression("α - θ")
gsub = subs(result, Dict( => 1.0, => 1.0))
@test gsub == 0.0 # α - θ == 0.0
# * operator
result = fpe1 * fpe2
@test result == FreeParameterExpression("2(α + θ)*θ")
gsub = subs(result, Dict( => 1.0, => 1.0))
@test gsub == 4.0 # 2(α + θ)*θ == 4.0
# / operator
result = fpe1 / fpe2
@test result == FreeParameterExpression("(α + θ) / (2θ)")
gsub = subs(result, Dict( => 1.0, => 1.0))
@test gsub == 1.0 # (α + θ) / (2θ) == 1.0
# ^ operator
result = fpe1 ^ fpe2
@test result == FreeParameterExpression("(α + θ)^(2θ)")
gsub = subs(result, Dict( => 1.0, => 1.0))
@test gsub == 4.0 # (α + θ)^(2θ) == 4.0
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
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