This Android application serves as a wrapper for the Punk API, leveraging the MVVM and Repository design patterns. It incorporates several Android Architecture Components, including ViewModel, Room, and Paging Library v3, to optimize performance and user experience.
- Data Fetching and Storage: The app fetches beer data from the Punk API and stores it locally using a Room database.
- Search Functionality: Users can search for beers by name, providing a seamless and efficient search experience.
- Optimized Performance: The Android Paging Library 3 is employed to load data incrementally, ensuring smooth scrolling and efficient resource utilization.
- Clean Architecture: The MVVM architecture promotes code separation and maintainability, while the Repository pattern abstracts data access and simplifies data operations.
- Kotlin 2.1.0
- Dagger 2.52
- Retrofit 2.11.0
- Picasso 2.71828
- Kotlin Coroutines 1.9.0
- Android Paging Library 3.3.5
- Room 2.6.1