A stab at making an online game with node.js backend. Why node.js? Because it's fun to use, easy to prototype with, easy to scale, and cheap to host
##Development Progress
✅ - done/ good enough to allow going further ⭕ - currently working on
- ✅ Player connecting to gateway
- ✅ Player registration
- ✅ Player login
- ✅ Connect player to Game server (through connector)
- ⭕ Enter a world
- Server
- Create basic world -> server -> channel? entities ⭕
- Client
- Display a zone/map from data received
- Server
##Technologies used:
- Unity
- Basic Socket.io implementation (websockets)
- Gulp - task runner
- Typescript - typesafe javascript
- Mocha / chai - testing framework
- Socket.io - connection
- MongoDB / Mongoose - database
- lodash - functional programming stuff
- node.js - for all the cool stuff