JetProcessing is a tool designed to process spectral interferometry images as they are being recorded. The main application is to observe density distributions of transparent gas flows, such as supersonic gas jets, in real time.
It is developed in C++ using the Qt SDK, and it implements several CUDA kernels to increase the processing capabilities. It uses an abstract factory approach to deal with CPU vs GPU execution.
Since I used this work as my final project before getting my computing enginering degree, there is quite extensive documentation about it (~800 pages). The most interesting bit is the design specification (Documentation/DesignDetails_Spanish.pdf). The downside is that most of it is in Spanish, but let's hope that the U in UML actually does what is supposed to ;).
Requirements (Multiplatform):
- Qt SDK 4.8.1
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2008
- CUDA SDK 4.2
- QwtPlot 6.0.1
- QwtPlot3D 0.2.7
- API uEye 4.1
- QuaZIP 0.4.4
- MEncoder - MxPlayer (for video encoding)
- ImageMagick 6.7.8-2
Copyright © 2012 Alvaro Sanchez Gonzalez