This library allows Surix apps to communicate with the host Surix web client.
The service needs to be imported first before use
import { Service, requests } from '@surix/client-service';
const service = Service.init();
const Surix = require('@surix/client-service');
const service = Surix.Service.init();
const requests = Surix.requests;
<script src="[email protected]/dist/client-service.min.js"></script>
const service = Surix.Service.init();
const requests = Surix.requests;
is the service itself.
Service contains all the methods grouped according to their operations
data contains:
- createEntity: Creates an entity in the current Surix project (expects entity: any parameter).
- getEntities: Queries entities from the current Surix project.
- getEntityById: Gets a single entity by its Surix id.
- addTagsToEntity: Add tags to an existing entity.
- removeTagsFromEntity: Removes tags from an entity.
- getTags: Gets all the entity tags in the project.
- updateTag: Updates the specified tag in an entity.
- project: Fetches the current Surix project.
- getAppData: Fetches app data stored by the app in the current project
- updateAppData: Updates/adds app data to the current project.
- createFile: Creates a file in the current Surix project (expects fileParams: any parameter).
- getFiles: Queries files from the current Surix project.
- getFileById: Gets a single file by its Surix id.
toast contains:
- show: Displays a message on Surix toast (expects message: string parameter).
menu contains:
- populate: Submits the menu items to Surix. The menu is updated immidiately (expects items: any parameter).
events contains:
- menuItemClicked: The event dispatched when a menu item is clicked.
menu payload is an array of objects:
const menuItems = [
icon: 'speaker_notes',
// This is the icon to be displayed on the menu
// The icon name follows the material icon standard.
title: "MPESA Transactions",
// This is the text displayed on the menu
// and also on the title bar when this item is clicked.
action: 'mpesa',
// This is a tag, the value is abitrary. The developer
// could use this to check which menu list item was clicked
default: true
// This will be selected by default when the menu populates
icon: 'settings',
title: "Settings",
action: 'settings'
Populating the menu: => {
// The menu was updated automatically
}).catch(err => {
// Handle the error
const toast = {
message: 'Welcome to Surix',
type: 'info' // could also be 'success', 'error'
}; => {
// Toast was displayed successfully
}).catch(err => {
// Handle error
// Fetch entities
const query = {
query: {
age: { $gt: 20 }
tags: ['people']
}; => {
// Do something with the response
}).catch(err => {
// Handle error
const id = '1I7OBNmpPRYMS3s6WmoxeA'; => {
// Do something with the entity
}).catch(err => {
// Handle error
// Create an Entity
const entity = {
data: {
value: 18,
type: 'number',
label: 'Age'
}; => {
// Do something with the newly created entity
}).catch(err => {
// Handle the error
const args = {
tags: ['people', 'friends'],
entityId: '1I7OBNmpPRYMS3s6WmoxeA'
}; => {
// Do something with the updated entity
}).catch(err => {
// Handle the error
Note: And entity cannot have duplicate tags. If a tag is already in the entity, it will be ignored.
const args = {
tags: ['people', 'friends'],
entityId: '1I7OBNmpPRYMS3s6WmoxeA'
}; => {
// Do something with the updated entity
}).catch(err => {
// Handle the error
Note: Tags that are not in the entity will be ignored.
const args = {
tags: 'people',
update: {
name: 'persons'
}; => {
//Tag updated successfully
}).catch(error) => {
}); => {
// Do something with the tags
}).catch((err) => {
// handle error
The response of the request is an array of tag objects:
{ name: 'contacts' },
{ name: 'products' },
{ name: 'messages' }
] => {
// Do something with the fetched project
}).catch(err => {
// Handle error
}); => {
// do something with the data
}).catch(err => {
//handler error
const update = {
data: {
theme: {
type: 'text',
value: 'blue'
active: {
type: 'boolean',
value: true
}; => {
// do something with updated data
}).catch(err => {
// handler error
const file = document.getElementById('file'); // Assuming the element is an input of type file
const fileParmas = {
name: 'My picture', // File title
mimeType: file.type, // Image mime type (this type is checked against the type of the file itself)
public: true // Is the file publicly accessible?
file, // The file itself (has to be of type File)
} => {
// Do something with the file details
}).catch(err => {
// Handle error
const fileId = '123'; => {
// Do something with the fileDetails
// NOTE: fileDetails has field downloadUrl that contains a url
// to the actual file
}).catch(err => {
// Handle error
}); => {
// DO something with the files, file is an array of fileDetails
}).catch(err => {
// Handle error
There are times where Surix sends information to the app without the app requesting.
When one clicks on the menu populated by the app, Surix tells the app about the click using a menuItemClicked
Listening to the menu click event:
let handler = (event) => {
const msg = event.detail;
// msg.body contains the action value in your menu item
switch(msg.body) {
case 'settings':
// The settings menu item was clicked
case 'mpesa':
// The mpesa menu item was clicked