1.0.0 (2024-04-09)
add CloudflareDnsync.Models project to the solution (9adc33a )
add CloudflareResponse and Zone classes (4977ac5 )
add configuration and it's subcommand add command (efab56f )
add configuration related methods (c112792 )
add configuration service and its model class (593d298 )
add GetDnsRecordAsync method to CloudflareService (37bff3c )
add GetDnsRecordsAsync method (27f5be0 )
add GetZonesAsync method to CloudflareService (4f6fdbd )
add StringExtensions static class for timestamped string formatting (6d355bc )
add TokenVerify class and VerifyTokenAsync method (8343103 )
add UpdateDnsRecordAsync method and DnsRecordUpdateRequest class (9880190 )
added Serilog for better logging experience (5c2e370 )
implement add command to saving configurations to file (6176232 )
implement full functionality of sync command (c87953b )
ip service for retrieving external ip from providers (ee647df )
list command for retrieving configurations (8322a7e )
refactor cli project to add required package references and infrastructure classes (126d65d )
remove command for removing configurations (83e47cc )
Bug Fixes
http method is fixed for send async method (d47731f )
nullability annotation to support code analysis (dbecb6b )
version bump shell script fixed (5f97eb7 )
Miscellaneous Chores
You can’t perform that action at this time.