Copy config.example.json
to config.json
and fill in the fields
First, add this repository as an input to your flake.nix:
aml-discord-bot = {
url = "github:aloop/discord-bot";
# Probably want to follow your nixpkgs
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
Then add aml-discord-bot.nixosModules.default
to the modules list of your nixosConfiguration.
The following is an example configuration making use of sops-nix for secrets:
services.aml-discord-bot = {
enable = true;
secretsFile = config.sops.secrets."discord-bot/secrets".path;
# Check config.example.json for an example of settings
settings = {
http = {
listenPort = 8080;
host = "";
sops.secrets."discord-bot/secrets" = {
sopsFile = ./secrets.yml;
# We use systemd's LoadCredential functionality, so permissions for the secrets
# file can be restricted.
mode = "0600";
where secrets.yml
looks like the following:
secrets: |
"discord": {
"clientId": "",
"guildId": "",
"token": ""
"channels": {
"deals": ""
"blizzard": {
"clientId": "",
"clientSecret": ""