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This is a personal project, just for messing around with.



npm install --save-dev @amloop/aml-css


# Will output to $(pwd)/styles by default
npm exec aml-css create


# will output to $(pwd)/src/styles
npm exec aml-css create --output=src/styles


Clone the repository somewhere in your project, then copy the contents of the scaffold directory to wherever you like, then customize import paths as needed.

Recommended tooling

  • PurgeCSS - Remove unused classes or class variants - heavily recommended!

Naming Conventions

This mostly follows the SUITCSS naming conventions:

  • All classes (aside from state classes) can be namespaced by overriding $namespace from ./src/abstract/_variables.scss
  • Variables, functions, and mixins are snake-case
  • Objects are prefixed with o-, components are prefixed with c-
  • Objects and Components start in title-case, with sub-objects and sub-components being separated by a hyphen and written in camel-case, e.g. .o-Object-subObject or .c-Component-subComponent
  • No components are included, but they should be follow the same rules as objects
  • Modifiers for both objects and components are separated with two hyphens and written in snake-case, e.g. .o-Object--some-modifier or .o-Object-subObject--modifierName
  • Utility classes are prefixed with u- and are in camel-case following that, e.g. .u-utilityName
  • State classes starts with the verb and a hyphen (has-, is-, etc.) and ends with the state name in snake-case, e.g. .is-some-state


  1. Abstract: Variables, root css properties, functions/mixins
  2. Base: CSS Reset/Box-Sizing, defaults for bare element selectors
  3. Layout: Main layout styles, e.g. Page Header, Main Nav, Footer
  4. Pages: Page-specific styles (e.g. Home page, About page, etc.)
  5. Objects: Generic objects for common patterns, such as the media object
  6. Components: Re-usable classes go here
  7. Utilities: Utility classes, e.g. .u-visuallyHidden
  8. Vendor: 3rd party CSS goes here
  9. Overrides: Styles which need a high specificity, e.g. print styles, overrides of CSS from vendor code, etc.

Any of the sections listed above may be omitted if not needed.



There are 3 breakpoint mixins provided by aml-css:

  • bp, which creates a min-width media query
  • bp-max, which creates a max-width media query
  • bp-min-max, which creates a media query constrained between a min-width and max-width

The bp and bp-max mixins share the same function signature of: bp($breakpoint, $media), where $breakpoint can be a named breakpoint, as defined in variables.$breakpoints, or alternatively a number with or without a unit.

Numbers given without units are assumed to be pixels, and are converted to rem in the final output. $media is an optional parameter, defaulting to variables.$default-media-type.

The bp-min-max mixin's function signature is bp-min-max($min-bp, $max-bp, $media). $media is an optional parameter, defaulting to variables.$default-media-type.


  • rem($pixels, $base-font-size: variables.$base-font-size)

    Takes a unitless number $pixels, representing the desired size in pixels, and converts it to a rem unit.

  • em($pixels, $base-font-size: variables.$base-font-size)

    Identical to rem above, but outputs an number with an em unit instead.

  • fluid-size(
      $min-container-width: variables.$min-site-width,
      $max-container-width: variables.$max-site-width,
      $unit: vw

    All numbers given to fluid-size are expected to be in pixels, with or without the px unit.

SCSS Variables & CSS Custom Properties

Class namespacing

The format will output as follows: .{prefix}-{namespace-}ClassName.

  • $namespace: The namespace for all classes (except state classes). Defaults to "".

    When set, a hypen will automatically be used as a separator.

    Can be set during the initial @forward/@use:

    @forward "src/abstract/variables" with (
      $namespace: "NAMESPACE"


  • --aml-bg-color: The background color applied to the body tag. Defaults to transparent.
  • --aml-text-color: the default color for most text. Defaults to #000.
  • --aml-link-color: The text color applied to links. Defaults to #3084bb.
  • --aml-link-color-hover: The text color applied to links which are being interacted with. Defaults to --aml-link-color.


The following type-related variables are available to change:

  • --aml-font-family: sets the default font family for most text. Defaults to "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif.
  • --aml-font-scale: Used to calculate the base font size set on the html element. A value of 1 is equivalent to 16px. By default the scale is calculated as variables.$base-font-size / 16.
  • --aml-line-height: sets the default line height for most text. Defaults to 1.5.
  • --aml-font-weight: sets the default font weight for most text. Defaults to 400.
  • --aml-heading-font-family: sets the default font-family for headings. Defaults to $aml-font-family
  • --aml-heading-font-weight: sets the default font weight for headings. Defaults to 700.
  • --aml-link-decoration: sets the default link decoration. Defaults to underline.
  • --aml-link-decoration-hover: sets the default link decoration when a link is hovering/active. Defaults to none
  • --aml-button-font-family: sets the default font family for buttons. Defaults to inherit


  • --aml-min-site-width: The minimum width of the site. Defaults to variables.$min-site-width

  • --aml-max-site-width: The maximum width of the site, used for the .Container object, along with the max breakpoint. Defaults to variables.$max-site-width

  • $base-size and it's size variants.

    Default sizes as defined in src/abstract/_variables.scss:

    $base-size: 20;
    $sizes: (
      default: $base-size,
      xs: math.div($base-size, 4),
      sm: math.div($base-size, 2),
      md: $base-size,
      lg: $base-size * 2,
      xl: $base-size * 4,

    Will generate:

    --aml-size: 1.25rem;
    --aml-size-xs: 0.3125rem;
    --aml-size-sm: 0.625rem;
    --aml-size-md: 1.25rem;
    --aml-size-lg: 2.5rem;
    --aml-size-xl: 5rem;

    If you want to add or change breakpoints, override additionalBreakpoints as in the following example:

    @forward "src/abstract/variables" with (
      $additionalSizes: (
        xxl: 120,
  • --aml-margin and --aml-padding set the amount of margin or padding to apply to certain elements by default.

Global defaults for breakpoints

  • $default-media-type: Sets the media type to use in media queries. Defaults to all

  • $breakpoints: The sass map which defines the various breakpoints to use with the bp, bp-max, and bp-min-max mixins, as well as for the various classes which can generate variants such as .u-hidden@lg, with lg being the name of the breakpoint.

    Defaults breakpoints are:

    $breakpoints = (
      xs: 480,
      sm: 680,
      md: 768,
      lg: 960,
      xl: 1200,
      max: $max-site-width,
    ) !default;

    If you want to add or change breakpoints, override additionalBreakpoints as in the following example:

    @forward "src/abstract/variables" with (
      $additionalBreakpoints: (
        xxl: 1600,

Transition/Animation Easings

The following custom easings are defined for convenience: sine, quad, cubic, quart, quint, expo, circ, back.

Each easing definition has an in, out, and inOut variant, along with a sub-map reversed with the same variants.

These are defined in src/abstract/_variables.scss and can be overridden or added to like so:

@forward "src/abstract/variables" with (
  $additionalEasings: (
    sine: (
      in: cubic-bezier(0.47, 0, 0.745, 0.715),
      out: cubic-bezier(0.39, 0.575, 0.565, 1),
      inOut: cubic-bezier(0.445, 0.05, 0.55, 0.95),
      // The following key `reversed` is optional, but if defined
      // is treated specially. It will generate custom properties
      // ending in `-reverse`
          in: cubic-bezier(0.255, 0.285, 0.53, 1),
          out: cubic-bezier(0.435, 0, 0.61, 0.425),
          inOut: cubic-bezier(0.45, 0.05, 0.555, 0.95),

The sass map will be transformed into CSS custom properties like so:

--ease-sine-in: cubic-bezier(0.47, 0, 0.745, 0.715);
--ease-sine-out: cubic-bezier(0.39, 0.575, 0.565, 1);

and so on.

Base64-encoded Placeholder Images

There are 4 defined by default, in 4 different aspect ratios (1:1, 2:1, 4:3, and 16:9). They are transparent.

These are defined in src/abstract/_variables.scss and can be overridden or added to like so:

@forward "src/abstract/variables" with (
  $additionalPlaceholders: (
    "16x10": "data:image/png;base64,...",


  • Write clearer explanations and provide better information about various aspects of this library. This should include much better comments and documentation in the actual scss files.
  • Implement more objects
  • Look into setting up a linter to catch errors, and enforce some of the naming conventions and code style.
  • Unit tests
  • Look into the possibility of regression testing to determine when changes affect layout or style.


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