This project tracks and processes real estate deals from the leading Israeli real-estate website Yad2. The "good" deals are filtered and sent to my email address.
The tracking is built on the yad2 notification mechanism, where you can set a query to run periodically and send the new real-estate deals that match the query to the user email. Using terraform, I set an AWS SES to listen to these emails, save them to S3, parse them in an AWS lambda, and save the parsed units in a DynamoDB table. When parsing the real-estate units in the lambda, the "good" deals are filtered and sent to my email.
To identify what is a good deal, I train a Random Forest Regressor model to predict the price of a unit based on its parameters using all the real-estate units I have collected so far in the DynamoDB table. Then for each new unit, I try to predict its price and if it is cheaper than I predicted, it is considered to be a "good" deal.
To test the parser locally with a test input, run:
python3 src/
To generate the data for training the model, check the data folder's README
To train the model, run:
python3 src/
To test the accuracy of the model, run:
python3 src/ --test
First, generate the package for the AWS lambda by running:
pipenv run package
Then, deploy all the AWS services by running:
pipenv run deploy
NOTE: There are some hard coded values that are specific to me that might need to be changed (my email, the AWS SES receiver email).