An effort to run ianseo archery tournament management software in a Docker environment.
Ianseo is popular open source software used to manage archery competitions. Given that the ianseo implementation can use Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP I figured, as a learning experience, it would be worthwhile to get ianseo running in a Docker environment. I chose to use the official Docker php:apache and mysql offerings and use docker-compose to define and run the resulting multi-container environment.
The approach here is to use this project along with an ianseo release, a zip file that can be downloaded from the ianseo site, and docker-compose to create a containerized implementation of ianseo.
Docker volumes are used for the web back-end and the MySQL database so results and updates are persisted.
Note that this ianseo/Docker effort is not formally part of the ianseo project, the intent here is only to provide a means to leverage the ianseo implementation in a Docker environment. I have not tested all of the ianseo software functionality in this Docker configuration but suspect that what is provided here should be sufficient for a basic ianseo evaluation.
Getting a containerized ianseo instance up and running should be simple once you have a sane Docker environment in place and have obtained the ianseo implementation (
You'll need to get the ianseo release in zip file format from the ianseo site. The current and previous releases have been available at and the testing of this Docker effort has been against
The ianseo zip file is placed in the base directory of this project. When docker-compose build is issued a support script will populate the web server container/volume with the ianseo release and perform the required installation steps.
You'll need Docker and docker-compose installed. For testing I've been using the Docker Community Edition, also referred to as docker-ce.
See for details on how to install Docker. On Ubuntu, for example, see
You'll also need docker-compose. The Docker documentation for obtaining docker-compose can be found at and for Linux this basically amounts to:
sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
The following instructions will get ianseo up and running on your local machine for evaluation and testing purposes.
Summary, assumes you have a sane Docker / docker-compose environment:
- Get this project (clone or download and extract)
- Get the ianseo release in zip file format
- Run docker-compose build to build the containers
Starting at step 2.
Step 2. Get the ianseo release in zip file format
When this documentation was created the ianseo zip file site was available from:
The ianseo release in zip file format can be downloaded from ianseo. Testing was performed using
wget --quiet
The ianseo zip file goes into the base directory of this project.
Step 3. Run docker-compose build to build the containers
Change into the directory where the project is, the files in this directory include docker-compose.yml, Dockerfile and the ianseo zip file from step 2. Depending on your user and Docker configuration you may need to run the docker-compose command as root (or use sudo).
[allan@localhost ianseo-docker]$ sudo /usr/local/bin/docker-compose build
db uses an image, skipping
Building web
Step 1/9 : FROM php:7.4.2-apache
7.4.2-apache: Pulling from library/php
bc51dd8edc1b: Pull complete
a3224e2c3a89: Pull complete
[snipped large amount of output]
---> 41f56404153b
Successfully built 41f56404153b
Successfully tagged ianseo-docker_web:latest
[allan@localhost ianseo-docker]$
- Run docker-compose up to start the ianseo application
- Use a browser to connect to and use ianseo
- Run docker-compose down to shutdown the ianseo application
Step 1. Run docker-compose up to start the ianseo application
[allan@localhost ianseo-docker]$ sudo /usr/local/bin/docker-compose up
Creating network "ianseo-docker_default" with the default driver
Creating volume "ianseo-docker_db_volume" with default driver
Creating volume "ianseo-docker_web_volume" with default driver
Pulling db (mysql:5.7.29)...
5.7.29: Pulling from library/mysql
[snipped large amount of output]
db_1 | 2020-02-07T01:38:31.708104Z 0 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 0 events
db_1 | 2020-02-07T01:38:31.708221Z 0 [Note] mysqld: ready for connections.
db_1 | Version: '5.7.29' socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' port: 3306 MySQL Community Server (GPL)
Database and web server logging output will continue to be logged to the terminal where the 'docker-compose up' was issued.
Step 2. Use a browser to connect to and use ianseo
Connect a web browser to the ianseo instance. If the browser is being run on the same computer where you issued the docker-compose up you can specify the following URL:
Otherwise you'll need to get the IP address of computer running the docker containers. One of my test systems running an instance of ianseo is on so, in my case. I'd use the following URL in my web browser:
For the steps below use the IP address of the computer that performed the docker-compose up or if you are running the browser on that same computer you can use localhost instead of specifying the IP address. In this example the IP address is
a. Connect to and review the GPL3 License Agreement.
b. On the GPL3 License Agreement page mark the checkbox and click the "I accept" button (Note: button appears after marking the checkbox).
c. PHP settings should be displayed showing various php.ini parameters. Click the Continue at the bottom.
d. The Database connection data should be displayed. Simply use the default entries, the Host will be set to ianseo_docker_db and the ADMIN Password field at the bottom will be blank (not needed since we have already created the ianseo MySQL database and user). Still, we need to click the Create user and database button to finish the database initialization.
e. After a few seconds you should see an Installation successful message. From here you can select Modules->Update Ianseo, agree to the GPL3 license (if prompted), and then click the Ok button which proceeds with the online software update.
f. You should now be set to use the ianseo application. For example you can select Competition->New.
Step 3. Run docker-compose down to shutdown the ianseo application
From another shell on your Docker host you change into the same directory where you issued the docker-compose up and issue docker-compose down to stop the ianseo application. This will gracefully shutdown the web and database containers.
[allan@localhost ianseo-docker]$ sudo /usr/local/bin/docker-compose down
Stopping ianseo-docker_web_1 ... done
Stopping ianseo-docker_db_1 ... done
Removing ianseo-docker_web_1 ... done
Removing ianseo-docker_db_1 ... done
Removing network ianseo-docker_default
[allan@localhost ianseo-docker]$
This project is licensed under the GPL 3.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.