This is a repository to demo JUnit 5 testing.
The steps I followed to set it up from scratch:
- install Java, Git, and Gradle - see
- create a new directory "junitexample" and change the directory to this new directory
- create a new Java project using gradle by "gradle init --type java-application --test-framework junit-jupiter"
- build the project using gradle wrapper by "./gradlew build" - see
- execute the project using gradle wrapper by "./gradlew run"
- execute the tests of the project using gradle wrapper by "./gradlew test"
- check the results of the test in the local folder ./build/reports/tests/test/index.html
- create a git repository in the "junitexample"
- push the local repository into GitHub
- use a GitHub Action to do the build and test of the project in GitHub, automatically after each commit to the repository - see
- the results of the build and tests (including failed ones) can be checked in the "Actions" tab in GitHub after each commit