Cascading Auto Complete with Angular's Material UI
I started from and expanded a bit.
- Auto complete for Team and Team Members (I don't have a lot of data, but in my real-world application I will)
- Default Selection to Vikings (new FormControl(this.selectedTeam))
- Team Members filtered to Vikings after default
- On Team clear, empty team selection, empty team member selection if selected
I learned that you can't have the [value] binding and the onSelect. That leads to multiple events fired.
However, [value] passing in the value correctly to the .valueChanges.pipe. the (onSelectionChange)= gives more control, but formControl.setValue(this.selectedTeam)
doesn't fire the .pipe like I was expecting:-(
setting the property of [value] doesn't change the field value, so we need setValue
I ended up removing the [value], but then adding it back
seems like onSelectionChanged is getting called twice?
added if(!$event.isUserInput){ return; }
for the onTeamSelect which seemed to help.
Later I moved to (optionSelected)="onTeamOptionSelect($event)">
on the autocomplete and that seems better.
tap(e => console.log(
selected ${e}))
is helpful for debugging RxJs.
the formControl.valueChanges.pipe( // needs startWith('') to fill the initial values )
auto should be unique for each control
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