🐢 An Information Security Reference That Doesn't Suck 🐢
- Be an awesome Information Security Reference ☑️
- List of techinques, tools and tactics to learn from/reference. ☑️
- Rich resource of infosec knowledge for anyone to browse through as a jumping off point for various niches OR as a reference/recall method for stuff.
- Something like a "Yellow Pages" in the sense of you know something exists, but what was it called....
- 'if you give a man a fish he is hungry again in an hour. If you teach him to catch a fish you do him a good turn.'
- Always accepting more links/stuff. Feel free to make a pull request or complaint.
- Don't have to constantly google for tools/reminder.
- Easily browsable list of tools, techniques, papers, and research in all sorts of areas.
- Want to read some good info.
- I do this as a resource for myself(to teach others from) and offer it publicly as a way of giving back to the general community.
- To be clear, these aren't personal notes. I keep this repo maintained as a way of having pointers to information that I feel help build someone's skillset or increase understanding of attacks/methods/defenses.
- This page isn't the best
terribleon mobile. Use https://rmusser.net/docs for better mobile formatting.- At some point I will sort the sections into a grid alphabetically.
- For latest content updates, check here: Things added since last update
- This will have all links added to the other pages sorted according to topic, making it easier to see new stuff.
- All links on this page should work. Last tested 3/3
- Contributions are welcome, format is pretty simple/easy to pick up, add anything not already in it that fits.
- ATT&CK(Def3nse?) Stuff
- Anonymity/OpSec/Privacy
- 🔰 Basic Security Information 🔰
- BIOS/UEFI/Firmware Attacks/Defense
- Building a PenTest Lab
- 🚗 Car hacking 🚗
- Cheat Sheets
- 🏁 CTFs & Wargames 🏁
- Conferences/Recordings
- Courses & Training
- Cryptography & Encryption
- Darknets
- Data Anaylsis & Visualization
- 🌅 Defense 🌅
- Disclosure
- Disinformation
- 📰 Documentation & Reporting 📰
- Embedded Device Security
- Exfiltration
- 🌈 Exploit Development 🌈
- Forensics & Incident Response
- 🐛 Fuzzing & Bug Hunting 🐛
- 🎮 Game Hacking 🎮
- Interesting Things & Useful Information
- Malware
- Network Attacks & Defense
- Network Security Monitoring & Logging
- Open Source Intelligence Gathering - OSINT
- Passwords
- 🐟 Phishing 🐟
- Physical Security
- Privilege Escalation and Post-Exploitation
- AppSec/Programming Stuff
- Rants & Writeups
- 🏮 Red Teaming/Penetration Testing Stuff 🏮
- Reverse Engineering
- REMATH Reverse Engineering
- Rootkits
- Social Engineering
- 🔩 System Internals (Linux/Windows) - NOT THE TOOLSET 🔩
- Threat Modeling
- UI/UX Design
- 🌻 Web 🌻
- 📶 Wireless Networks and RF Devices 📶
- Notable Policy Docs