A modified a star algorithm for topological map to generate a shortest path considering turning weight. It calculates the angle between the current vertex' parent, current vertex, and the next vertex. If it is a turn, add an extra g value to that node. By doing so, we can get a shortest path considering turning weight.
The code requires the external library boost. If you are using Ubantu, you can install it simply by
sudo apt install libboost-all-dev
If neither of the above method works, you can also follow the instructions on the boost website and install it manually.
After you installed boost and downloaded the source code, go into the directory of the source code and compile it with CMake:
cmake .
Then, you are able to run the code:
./ASTAR_least_turning -m twenty_robots -s l06 -g r01
- m: the map file in dot format
- s: the start label
- g: the goal label
You can define your owned turning weight in "A-star-with-least-turning/src/graph_utils.cpp" isTurning founction
The idea is that if the robot is doing turning, then it will add extra g_value to the node. Hence, when the a star calculates the shortest path, the turning will be considered.
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