log into shell using an account having sudo capabilities
download init script
curl -OL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alexrah/vimmy/master/shell_scripts/init-4.0.sh
chmod 755 init-4.0.sh
./init-4.0.sh help
- show a list of options
- in case of clean system run:
./init-4.0.sh all
IMPORTANT: user (dont use root) needs to be inside sudoers to be able to install packages
all : install everything if not already installed
help : show this message
Please provide one of the following option or comma separated list of options to install specific packages:
git : install only git
zsh : install only zsh
zsh-default : set zsh as default shell
tools : (fzf requires git) install tmux, ripgrep, fzf, bat
dotfiles : (requires git) install repos alexrah/vimmy & alexrah/oh-my-zsh & create symlinks
node : (nvm requires dotfiles) install node stack ( nvm, node, npm, yarn )
python : install python pip, python3, pip3 and neovim support
neovim : install or update nvim, configuration files, plugin manager
example: ./init-4.0.sh all #install everything
example: ./init-4.0.sh help #show this message
example: ./init-4.0.sh node #install node stack ( nvm, node, npm, yarn )
example: ./init-4.0.sh nvim,dotfiles #install nvim & install dotfiles
./init-4.0.sh all #install everything
./init-4.0.sh help #show this message
./init-4.0.sh node #install node stack ( nvm, node, npm, yarn )
./init-4.0.sh nvim,dotfiles #install nvim & install dotfiles
- Unable to install coc.nvim (fatal:invalid reference: release)
- issues caused by git < 2
- SOLUTION: update git to version > 2